
May 29, 2012

My Fave Homeschooling Stuff and Retro Butterick '56

Here it is! The list I promised! But first I have to show you a couple of pics from my start of the Retro Butterick '56! ;)

That's Bonnie. She just LOVES to help me cut fabric. Every single time I cut she is right in the middle of it. LOL I think she thinks the material is just for her.... What a mess!!

Here's the list!

My Fave Homeschooling Stuff (great title, huh?)

1- Little Passports - My 2 youngest (the c's) LOVE getting these every month. They really help out with our countries and cultures studies.

2- Young Scientist Club - I used to subscribe to the monthly packages but then I realized I could get 3 whole experiments in one package for not much more than one if I bought them from Amazon instead! LOL

3- Hands of a Child - LOVE LOVE LOVE their lapbooks and notepacks! (click on the links if you don't know what lapbooks or notepacks are)

4- CurrClick - I love Currclick. They always have great freebies and wonderful sales. You can find unit studies, lapbooks, notebooking, you name it, at Currclick

5- Netflix - So many resources here! Movies about nature, history, science.....

Everything from here is down is FREE! Yep. FREE! I <3 free!!!

1- Removed because I no longer support the site. 

2- Homeschool Share - This site is amazing and all of their units and lapbooks are FREE!!! I can't tell you how much help their stuff has been.

3-Homeschool Helper Online - They have FREE lapbooks, notebooking pages, worksheets, coloring pages and so much more!

4- Notebooking Fairy -  She makes THE BEST FREE notebooking pages. We just love them!!

5- Squidoo - WOW! They have sooo many unit studies and topics it boggles the mind. I have so many of them Pinned!! History, science, math, grammar, the works!

6- No Time for Flashcards - So many hands on learning ideas and crafts here. She will even introduce you to new children's books and have some activities to go along with them.

7- 1+1+1=1 - SOOOO many cute and wonderful Pre-K and K printables and packs. c2 LOVES them!!

8- Homeschool Creations - This is a great site for resources, printables and encouragement. I subscribe to both of the blogs and they are SOOO helpful!!

9- Activity Village - TONS of free printables and activities for history, holidays, seasons, etc.

10- DLTK-Kids - So many wonderful printable activities for Pre-K and K. I have used so many of them. They is also a sister site First School.

11- Khan Academy - OMGosh! I LOVE this site. No more pulling my hair out while trying to teach higher math! LOL This site is a God send!! Seriously! Check it out. You'll LOVE it! They have videos for upper science, math and history.

12- Donna Young's Homeschool Resources and Printables - Need a printable timeline? She has it. Need a printable planner? She has it. Need to print a diploma? She has that, too! Plus more and more and more!

13- Almost Unschoolers - I <3 this blog!! You want hands on? Go there! So amazing!!

14- Mama Jenn - Another blog that is SO amazing. She has it all! Printables, activities, encouragement! I always look forward to getting her posts in my e-mail.

15- 2 Teaching Mommies - SUCH cute printables and packs! I love them!!!

16- Dynamic 2 Moms  - These ladies make AWESOME lapbooks, notebooking pages and unit studies. I <3 them!

SHEW!! That's my list for now! I know I missed some so I will be coming back to update this list as I remember them! LOL

I guess I should go do some cleaning. SIGH.... I love having 2 bathrooms.... I hate having 2 bathrooms. LOL

I need a sign that says "I'd rather be sewing". LOL

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, everyone! Not sure why it's running all my stuff together! I promise I formatted it better! LOL


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)