
June 2, 2012

Progress!!! And About Time, Too!!

Here is where the Retro Butterick '56 stands this morning!


I have the bodice and the skirt pinned together!! WOOOO HOOO!! I can see the end! It's getting close! LOL

If I were to do a review of this pattern I would give 2 out of 5 stars so far..... I think I am going to LOVE the dress when it's all said and done but the process is ARGH!!!! LOL The instructions and pictures for the bodice are not clear AT ALL! Even the part about attaching the bodice to the skirt could be a lot clearer! I would have to say that this pattern is definitely not for beginners unless you enjoy banging your head on the wall! LOL It makes me a little leery of the other Retro Buttericks I have! LOL

I should be finishing it up today. Fingers crossed!! Then I will be able to start that A-line!

When you get towards the end of a project do you start to get anxious for it to be over so you can move on to something else?? Maybe it's just because this one is taking me so long.... SOOOOOOO long.

The Goat Brothers are doing well this morning. Still a little skittish but they are starting to relax enough to play around with it each other in our presence. :) They are soooo stinkin' cute!!!! LOL They are head butting each other and climbing over one another. I have given up on the bottle feeding. They just aren't interested. :( I'm a little sad about that. It would have been so sweet to have fed them like that.

Tomorrow I will be wearing this to church-

I can't wait!!!

OH!! That reminds me! I will be taking a short break from the Retro Butterick '56 today. I need to make c1 a blouse to wear with her May Flowers Skirt! She wants to wear it to church in the morning. I'm thinking eyelet! ;) So there may be a surprise tutorial headed your way! ;) She starts to get a little sad if I'm not making her at least one thing a week! LOL It's OK, though, it lets me know she appreciates the things I make her. :)

Time to get busy!!


  1. Make sure to take a picture of you in that pretty pink outfit tomorrow!! We want to see.

  2. One thing a week?! Sheesh! haha! She must have an amazing wardrobe now! =)

  3. LOL!!!! She's getting there!! LOL She gets soooo upset with me if I don't make her an outfit to match the one I'm making for myself! LOL


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