
August 29, 2012

A Question for My Readers

I was reading a post at another blog this morning (You Know It Happens At Your House Too) and it got me to thinking. ;) What do YOU as my readers want to see?? I know that tutorials are a HUGE factor. In fact when I do a new tutorial my views go WAY up but when it has been a while since I have posted a new tutorial my views go WAY down. *sniff sniff* And I am at a loss as to what to write if I DON'T have a new tutorial. Does that make sense??? Sooooo, what DO you want to see?

Do you like it when I post about the crazy things my kids do? Like what Cailey said at church on Sunday that almost brought the house down?? LOL

I know Carol likes to see my cats. LOL ;)

Is just talking to you enough or should I make a bigger effort to always include some sewing/crafting/homeschooling??

Does my blog look OK?? Or should I look into changing it up some? I know the "look" of a blog can make a difference sometimes.

I am soooo new to all of this that I just really don't know. So I thought it would be best to put it to the experts, YOU! You are the readers, you know what you want to see and read, so let me know!! Seriously, I LOOOOOOVE comments (as long as they are nice to me LOL). And even if you are criticizing me, as long as it isn't ugly, I want to read it!! Talk to me, people!! LOL

If you DO want to read about what's going on in my life, please proceed past this point. ;) If not, you can stop here. LOL

For 2 Sundays in a row I have stood up in front of church to talk about Bags of Hope and Love <3. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not a good public speaker.... Now, that being said, it would probably have been better if I had known BEFORE hand that I was going to speak. Well, OK, maybe not... I am THAT bad of a public speaker... LOL

Anyway, my pastor has been doing a series on missional living. So every Sunday he has been inviting different groups within the church to speak about their mission services. Last Sunday the GAs were invited to speak. They had just had a sleepover at the church where they packed boxes for Operation Christmas Child and then made breakfast for the church the next morning. The girls went up on stage and were supposed to sing a song they learned the night before. Well, they started out just OK... Barely singing... Sort of mumbling... You could only hear the leader of the GAs really singing. So when they were finished the pastor asked them to try again and to really sing this time. So, they started again.. More mumbling, barely singing. Then the pastor joined in! When they finished he said something about how they should sing louder or something like that, just picking at them, mind you. Then Cailey pipes up and says, "I thought were doing just fine until you ruined it." Oh, brother!!! If everyone didn't already know that she belongs to me I would have tried crawling under a pew!!! LOL But our pastor is used to her.... ummm.... outspokenness??? and he thinks it's great that. SIGH... I just never know WHAT she's gonna say next.... Afterward everyone commented about how good it was that she keeps him on his toes! LOL

We had to take our pool down. WAH!!!!!! We were unable to get a compatible pump and it turned neon green!!! YUCK!!!!! So, we took it down and will try again next year. I'm a little sad about that. I LOVED the pool!!!!

We are gearing up to start school week after next. WHAT??? WEEK AFTER NEXT???? YILES!!!!! That's!!!! Good grief! Where has the summer gone??? And more important, can we get it back???? PLEASE!!!! I guess I need to solidify some real plans, huh??? Usually by this time I have all their planners filled out for at least 6 wks. I am SOOOOOO behind!!! I did try to talk the kids into doing a Jan-Sept school year but they all declined. :(

So, note to self : GET BUSY PLANNING!!!!!! YILES!!!!

Anyone have any fun plans for the long weekend??? As far as I know we only have a Birthday party to go to Saturday. I'm going to try to talk The Hubby into cooking out at some point. Gosh, we are sooooo boring! LOL

I'm a little bit miffed... I just saw that Craft Wars didn't tape to my DVR last night!!!! GRRR!!! Instead it looks like The Hubby taped a bunch of  UFC stuff.... GRRRR!!! I was sooooo looking forward to watching today!! It's the only thing that makes waiting for Project Runway on Thursdays bearable!

Yep, I'm definitely booooooring..... LOL

In sewing news, I have actually started on the McCall’s M6553, and it looks GREAT so far!! I am so glad I decided to color block the front!! It's going to look awesome!!!! After that I will be working on some things for fall from my sketches. SO excited about that!! YAY!!

So, that's what's up with me. What's up with you?? And PLEASE answer my questions!! I reallllllllllllllllly want to know!!! :)


  1. I love your blog just the way it is! I am new to blogs ( I just read because my life is waaaay too boring to write about! lol) but yours is one that I look forward to! I sew and crochet, do lots of crafts and spend lots of time taking care of animals so your musings are nright up my alley! Thanks!

  2. Thank you SOOOOOO much, Pam!!!!! You are too sweet!!!!!! :)

  3. I love reading everything you write about. Makes me smile and laugh!! keep up the Great work!

  4. Thank you SO much, Patches!!! You know I <3 you!!!!! :)

  5. Yours is the only blog I follow! I get it emailed to me and read it on my phone. I only read it because I <3 u and your family! Lol! I *don't* do sewing! Your tutorials are fun... Yes, I actually read through them.... I have been known to say... "i don't even sew, why am I reading this?" As I read another! But you have a fun sense of humor, and can laugh about things like the lovely kitties on your work. Again. Lol! Than of course, I was homeschooled, so I've always enjoyed listening to u and the brats talk about that.... Of course, since I started reading in summer, I expect to hear more about that hear soon... Troubles and successes! I guess it would be nice to hear about good books too, but that's about all u should add to this! It's kinda like catching up in the CH without reading 20 pages a day! I just love how you are honest about stuff, even when it means you are showing that life isn't perfect.... Like, the cats always hopping up on ur sewing! :D

  6. AWWWW!!! THANK YOU, Kristi!!!! You know we all love you, too!!!!!!
    Books, yeah.... Books.... I have been in SUCH a reading slump lately. SIGH... But I am hoping it will get better soon!!!
    Oh, yeah, there will be LOTS more homeschooling to come... YILES!!! Week after next!!! YILES!!!! HELP!!
    I definitely have to keep it honest. I'm not sure I would know how to not... LOL Sometimes I wish I did!!! ;)
    LOOOOOOVE YOU!!! And we miss you in the BCH!!!!

  7. I enjoy everything you put onto your posts. I am in awe of your creativity! You have such a marvelous can-do attitude. I love your kitties, your children and enjoy reading bits about all of these. You truly use your "fruits" to make the lives of your biological family and your spiritual family better. The look of your blog is fine. I am interested in your post and not distracted by tidbits on the sides. Keep on shining that light. God bless you.

  8. AWW!!! Thank you VERY much, Regena!!!! THANK YOU!!!! God bless you, too!!!!! :)
    I am sniffing a little at all the lovely things you said!!
    THANK YOU, again!!!!

  9. Susan Whitaker JohnsonAugust 29, 2012 at 6:19 PM

    I would love to know an easier way of making pleated draperies. I have only successfully done it once. I really have trouble on how to figure the size the fabric should be cut for a particular window, how to figure the pleats and spaces. This would be so helpful. Thanks so much!

  10. Your blog is newly added to my reader,as you know it:).I am a newer blogger than you. I took a look at all that you made on the very first visit. and your blog looks fun.Of course tutorials are the thrill factor for the blog but I also love to see all the stuff you made or sewed. Becasue right now sewing is my newest hobby and I am keen on following sewing blogs ! I am a little choosy about the blogs I add to my reader and when I add them I make it a point to read all the posts and leave a comment.. hope you will visit my new blog too. have a nice day.

  11. Hmmm... I have never done draperies. But I would imagine if they are fully pleated you would need at least twice the amount of fabric that you would use if they weren't. But then, I really can't be sure.

  12. Thank you very much!!!!!! :) I will definitely be visiting!!!

  13. LOL, Pam, you sound like me... I crochet, sew (some) and take care of a bunch of animals:)

  14. Stacy, I think you're doing great!! You motivate me to think about sewing, lol! (I haven't touched the sewing machine since June, but I do dream up a lot of stuff).

    Your blog is clean and easy to read, and you don't go on for too long, because who really has time to read a blog entry that's real long? :)

  15. THANK YOU, Eileen!!!!! :)
    Sketch your dreams and maybe when you're on break you can make a few! ;)

  16. Stacy, I love your blog.. I love seeing all the cute stuff you make [and tutorials are nice..but just seeing the photos ,when your too busy with school..will be good too]
    Loved Cailey's talk with the pastor..Tooooo funny.. You are so right.. never know what those kiddies will
    My son is a pastor. and when his son [13 now] was about 2 1/2 -3 yrs old, they were doing communion , one Sunday.. All was real quiet.. and as they passed out the juice, he hollered really loud when they passed him by "What about Me?" His mama is trying to hush him up and he wouldn't hear of it.. He wanted that juice.. We still laugh about

  17. ROFLOL!!! Tooo cute!!
    I guess I am just being paid back for the things I did in church when I was little.... LOL Most of my family went to the same church that I did so I would yell across the sanctuary at them! LOL And one Sunday after I had just been potty trained, I had to show my grandmother my new big girl undies from the other side.... YILES!!! LOL

  18. I am laughing soooooooooo hard, I can't breathe.hahahhaha
    I can just imagine your mom's face and you show your new
    Pay day does come back to

  19. ROFLOL!! Indeed it does... SIGH.... LOL
    The pastor got The Cailey Look today. LOL He called her Cally. LOL I guess I should be happy she stuck to just a look! ;)


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)