
October 3, 2012

Cutie Patootie!

Here is the whole reason for the name of this post -

Isn't he THE cutest little guy??? That is my 2nd cousin Liam and he is an absolute doll!!! He is wearing the Day of the Dead pants that I made for him! :)

I made them a little big. I had the measurements for shorts because that is what I had planned on making BUT I waited so long to actually make them that I made pants instead... LOL  But, I figure they will shrink a tiny bit and then he will just be able to wear them longer. ;)

I have Bags of Hope and Love news!! A GINORMOUS thank you to Regena!!! I want to show her what her donate bought! ;)

THANK YOU!!! And the boys and girls that get the bags that this stuff will be in thank you, too. AWESOME!!!! May God bless you!!!!

There are 3 shampoos, 4 body washes, 4 shaving gels, 2 pks of hand sanitizer, 3 note pads, 3 pks of snacks, 2 pks of drinks, 1 pk of razors and I think that's it! LOL

Job search news!!! The Hubby called the guy back at the place in GA that we visited last week and gave him a salary number. The guy said it didn't sound unreasonable and he would get back with us by Friday. I have to admit to being a little downcast. I know I should be happy and thankful, and I am, but I am also very, very sad. I don't want to leave my church family and I don't want to leave Jacob. He has said over and over again that if we move he won't be going with us. This breaks my heard into a thousand pieces. I know he is 19 and he would be leaving us sometime in the near future anyway, but he will be SOOOOOOO far away!!! I can't even imagine what it will like to not see his face

and hear his voice everyday. I know I will be able to talk to him on the phone but I won't be able to hug him. SIGH..... Y'all pray for me, OK?? I'm going to need them. Just sitting here typing this has me fighting back the tears.

I guess I will need to see if I can find someone that can take over Bags of Hope and Love at my church. I will start another chapter of it if/when we move. I guess that's good, right? Spreading it even farther??

Ok, enough of me blabbering... Let's see if I can find some funny pictures to lighten the mood!

OH! That reminds me!!! Tomorrow I will have a VERY SPECIAL post.... Hee hee hee!! You don't want to miss it! ;)

Who Let the Cat Watch 'Lord of the Rings' Again?

LoL by: Unknown (via Sofa Puzza)


Once Was Enough for Colonel Meow

LoL by: Unknown (via Daily Picks and Flicks)

I Has A Hotdog: Same Difference

LoL by: TuckerBentley

I Has A Hotdog: U r speshul!

LoL by: jennybookseller

Bible Verses glitter graphic

Bible Verses glitter graphic

Bible Verses glitter graphic

OK, I feel a little better now. ;)

Praise God! He is good ALL the time! He loves me ALL the time! He hears my prayers ALL the time! He will be with me, sustaining me in my sadness and in my joy.


  1. Stacy, the pants are soooooo adorable.. but the little model wins the show.He is soooo cute and looks so sweet in the pants..
    I am praying for your hubby and your decision on this move. It breaks my heart for you.. the move and leaving behind your church family and most of all your baby [and yes at 19 ,he is still your baby, my baby is 36 and he is still my baby.ha] You know, even though we know they are grown and they are in God's hands...It is so hard for the mama in us, to let go. When Gary and Gina got married,they moved in our yard, they both were in BLue Mtn College, So I didn't have to loose him.. Once they graduated ,he took a church about 2 hours away.. I cried for days.. It broke my heart.. So, I know exactly how you feel.. Please know I am praying for you all.

    The pictures were adorable.. And helped the sadness.. because just thinking about it, brought tears to my eyes too.
    Hey.. I am still banking on Ms.. Just think......we can whine about the humidity and heat next summer.. hahahaha

  2. Thank you so VERY much, Judy!! Just knowing that you are praying for me helps tremendously! And knowing that you know exactly what I'm feeling is a ginormous help, too. You are such a wonderfully sweet person! THANK YOU for always being here!!! MS would be a MUCH better place! LOL We could sew and complain together!! LOL Heaven knows I will be doing both! ;) LOL

  3. those pants are too cute!!
    and an fyi, skype is a wonderful *free* way to keep in touch with family! sometimes you just gotta see them, even if it's only online :)

  4. Oh, THANK YOU, Jennie!! I didn't even think about Skype!!! THANK YOU!! Bless your heart!!!!

  5. Skype is my lifesaver! we're stationed in Italy, so it's the ONLY way I get to talk to my parents right now

  6. WOW!! Great experience but HUGS for missing your family!!!!!

  7. What a darling little boy and he looks so happy in his new pants!

    To help yourself get over feeling sad about moving, focus on how very lucky you are that you have a husband who not only has a job, but who is also being given opportunity to advance in his career. There are soooo many people who are unemployed with no prospects in this economy. Jennie is right about being able to stay in touch being so easy today... easier than ever before in history!. So buck-up and know that everything will work out. Enjoy the adventure; it will be exciting! :)

  8. Thank you, Kerri!! You are very right! There are so many people who would LOVE this opportunity! I am trying to focus on the adventure part and put the sadness away. And there's no telling, maybe after a couple of months he will join us down there! :) It's all in HIS hands and I need to focus on and remember that!
    THANK YOU!!!

  9. Adorable pants! Thanks for linking up To Whimsy Wednesday!
    Smart! School {House}

  10. Great pants! My mom used to call my brother cutie patootie when he was little, and he finally asked her what it meant and was horrified to find out (at age 15) that she had been calling him "cute butt" the entire time! Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!

  11. ROFLOL!!!!! Tooooo funny!!!!!

    Thank you, Jessi!!!


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