
October 28, 2012

Fairy, Frankenstorm and Farewells

Yes, yes... I know... Today's title is very much like yesterday's! LOL BUT the post is very different.

I finished Cailey's costume yesterday! YAY!!!!! She LOVES it!!!!! BUT because of the Frankenstorm the Halloween party was rescheduled. Now, ordinarily that would not be such a big deal BUT since we are moving at the end of the week, we won't be able to go. Cailey was SO upset. SO, Momma Hope (she sort of adopted our family and I LOVE HER SOOOOO MUCH!!!!) is going to take Cailey and Colin trick or treating to all the church members' houses so she can show off her costume. LOL That made it better. ;)

I was lucky enough to be invited to lunch Friday with Momma Hope, Grandmomma Verna and Marie. These are 3 very special ladies. I already mentioned that Momma Hope sort of adopted my family into her heart and Grandmomma Verna is her mother. You will never meet anyone as kind and generous and loving as those 2 special ladies. Marie is taking over Bags of Hope and Love for me here. She is SUCH a blessing!! I am so thankful for her!! We had a very nice lunch with lots of chatting. LOL I am so thankful that I got to go before we moved.

Today at church I said my final farewells to a very special group of people. God blessed me so much when He had Momma Hope stop at my door and invite me to her church. My life will be forever changed just from knowing those special people.

Pastor David passed around a church directory and had everyone sign it. SUCH a special going away gift. I will always be able to look at it and remember each and every one of them.

I cried and cried and cried. I know God has a purpose for us. I know that we are moving to Georgia for a reason. I may not know that reason for a while but I know there is one. Like a friend said today, it may only be to support our family better but that is a reason!

I have pictures of Cailey's fairy princess costume!!!! I am sooooo very very sorry that I forgot to take the pictures for a tutorial. I'm not sure that I would have done a very good job with the tutorial anyway..... I was flying by the seat of my pants on that costume!!! LOL

She LOVES her costume!!! YAY!!!!! :)

Deanna was disappointed about the Halloween party, too. I was going to make her a long black skirt today. Last night was did a trial run with the Dios de los Muertos make up. It looked REALLLY good. She wouldn't let me take any pictures, though. :/ I'm thinking she might want to dress up on Halloween. She will be helping Grandmomma Verna hand out candy while Momma Hope and I take the little ones trick or treating. :)

I was going to finish Colin's dino costume today. All it needs are eyes, teeth and nostrils... But since the party was cancelled, we spent the day flood proofing the sunroom. Well, not really flood proofing.... more like cleaning and making sure all the books were above the flood level. SIGH... PLEASE PRAY that our bottom floor doesn't flood again!!!!!

We had a little silliness going on last night. Check out these pics!!!

Clown Cailey!

Clown Colin!

Hubby the Clown!!! I still can't believe Colin talked him into this!!! Sorry the pic is blurry but I only got one shot..... LOL

Joshua the Clown!!!

Deanna put the wig on for a split second but wouldn't let me take a picture... LOL I was hoping Jacob would show up today so we could get one of him. Where is that boy???? He TOLD me he was coming today!!!! He better not make me call all his friends... ;)

They are saying that the worst of the Frankenstorm will be tomorrow night into Tuesday. Pray for us!!! The Hubby is still planning on going into work and that means I will be getting up at stupid:30 in the morning to drive him through the Frankenstorm. Yay..... :/

I will start going through closets tomorrow in preparation for the move. Fun.... LOL And toys boxes will need to be thinned out... Pray for me on that one. Colin will NOT be happy!!!!

HUGS and PRAYERS for all of those in the path of the freaky storm!!! Just remember that God is in control. We can depend upon HIS strength!!! He will take care of you!


  1. She looks beautiful, Mom. I pray that the storm will not be a repeat of last year for you and the family.

  2. SHE. IS. BEAUTIFUL... and the costume's not bad either, LOL!

  3. THANK YOU, Lori!!!!!
    I think all the books are safe this time... I HOPE!!!!

  4. Really cute costumes!!!!! You are extremely blessed with such a beautiful and loving family. Will be praying for all of you for a safe and successful move to Georgia. Georgia is very blessed to have your family living there. If you can try and take lots of pics. Your friend, Lola Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 23:00:31 +0000 To:

  5. Stacy,
    As I read this blog, I cried and cried too.. SO heartbreaking to leave people who love
    you and treat you as their families. I know God is in control and He is leading you and your family..We don't understand the why"s.. But we know it is for the best. This said, It is still so hard to leave. My heart aches for you all. Know ,I am praying for you.
    Cailie's costume is adorable. You did a great job. So sorry the weather canceled out the fun for the kids. And love all the clown photos.. Family fun. Your son looks like his daddy..
    Proud you got to have a fun lunch with the church ladies.. You will always remember this.
    I am praying for this storm.Pray that all is safe.. Take care,

  6. Thank you VERY much, Lola!!!!!
    And I keep meaning to tell you that I LOVE your name!! :)

  7. Thank you VERY VERY much, Judy!!!! Keep sending those prayers!!!!!! We sure do need them!!!

    I was a complete watering pot today..... But I am going to be OK, thanks to the prayers of wonderful friends like you!!!!!!

  8. Stacy...I loved Cailey's costume! You are so gifted with your sewing! There were a lot of tears at church this a.m. We are so saddened that you all are moving, but like you said, there is a reason. We love you and your family and wish you all nothing but the best! We will be praying for you, especially with Sandy coming through the next couple of days. I hope you will put me on the list of houses to visit when the kids are trick-or-treating. I should be home from work by 5:30. Take care! Nina

  9. Thank you so VERY VERY much, Nina!!!! There are not enough words to say how much I love Concord and everyone in it!!!!

  10. Well, if not I have more than a few credits to shoot books your way. I have decided that I'm going to have to start begging someone with small children to let me buy them books. I miss it so very much.

  11. LOL!!!!!!!!
    THANK YOU!!!
    Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't come to that!!!

  12. WOW, what a great fairy princess costume! Great job! Stay safe in the storm.

  13. Thank you!!!!! :)
    We are doing our best. The Hubby just came home. They are closing his work for the next 2 days. SHEW!!! So relieved!!!
    Right now it isn't too bad. We have wind and sideways rains. :/

  14. Stacy, sending prayers for you and family during this storm.. I have watched the weather and it seems bad.. [I am not sure exactly where you are] But be safe and know I am praying.

  15. Thank you, Judy!!
    We have been very blessed. It has not been too bad. Lots of wind and rain but nothing like last year with Irene ! Praise the Lord!
    I think all the prayers have been working because we haven't even lost power!

  16. Stacy, what a beautiful costume! You're very talented. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to the people you love. I'm sorry you're going through that now. God has a plan, and as we know, he is always on time (even though we aren't sure when that is exactly :)

    I hope you're safe from the storm. When you've recovered, come grab the "Sisterhood Blogger Award" I'm passing on to you. We all have to stick together, eh? You don't have to jump through any of the hoops. I can see you have a lot going on. Just grab it (or Not) and know I was thinking of you:)

  17. THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH, Michele!!! You are AWESOME!!!!!
    We made it through without losing power AND the bottom floor stayed dry! Praise the Lord!! I know we had a lot of people praying for us and those prayers were very much heard!!!!
    THANK YOU, again!!!!! :)

  18. Gorgeous costume!! I'm glad she got to show it off :) Happy move!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!

  19. I love the fairy costume! The gauzy, shimmery sleeves are my favorite part, but that corset lace up in the back is pretty awesome too. :-) Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!

  20. [...] than buttons or a zipper for the back so I added ribbon ties! I love it!!! It reminds me of the Halloween costume I made for [...]


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