
January 5, 2013

Fox Trot Tutorial Part 1

fox 1

fox trot 2 0042

fox trot 0045

Flannel! It's not just for PJs. LOL

I had soooooo much fun with this outfit!! I really pushed myself, I think. I drafted my first pattern for the bolero. YAY!!!! I wanted to be sure I got it juuuuust right. ;)

The tutorial for this outfit will be in 2 parts. The first part will be the gauchos and the tank. Tomorrow I will be posting the bolero.

What I Used for the Gauchos and Tank

1 yard of fox flannel

1/4 yard of pink knit

1" wide elastic

Step 1 -

Fox Outfit 006

First I took a pair of pants that fit Cailey well and used them to cut the waist and crotch. Then instead of continuing down straight from that curve I took it way out. WAY out!!! LOL

These are basically like any other pants that I make except in leg length and leg width.

Step 2 -

Fox Trot 0004

Pin and sew up the inseam. Go to where the curve of the crotch starts and stop.

Step 3 -

Fox Trot 0005

Turn one leg right side out and slide into the other leg. Pin and sew the seam in one continuous stretch.

Step 4 -

fox trot 0007

Turn the gauchos inside out. Turn over and press 3/4 " and then 1 ", press and pin.

Now, sew the elastic casing making sure to leave a space to insert the elastic. ;)

Step 5-

fox trot 0008

Measure the elastic to your child's waist and subtract 1". Then safety pin the ends of the elastic and either pin one end to yourself or hold tightly. Insert the elastic into the opening!

They also make really cool elastic threaders but safety pins work just as well. ;)

Step 6 -

fox trot 0009

Now, sew the ends of the elastic together using a zigzag stitch.

Then sew the elastic casing closed!

Step 7-

fox 005

Take a moment and get your cat out of the cabinets!!!! Good grief!!!

Step 8-

fox trot 00010

Fold over and press the bottom of the legs by 1/2". Fold up another 3/4", press and pin. Now sew the hem! :)

Press your hem and you are all done!

fox trot 00011

Now on to the tank!!

fox trot 2 005

Step 1 -

fox trot 2 001

Using a top that fits your child well, cut the arm holes, sides and length, while on the fold.

Then use the piece you just cut as a guide for the other side of the tank.

Step 2 -

fox trot 2 002

Next, cut in the neck lines. You can make the shoulders as narrow or as wide as you like.

Step 3-

fox trot 2 003

Pin and sew the shoulders together. If using a print make sure right sides are together.

Step 4 -

fox trot 2 004

Pin and sew up the side seams!

Turn right side out and press. Now you are done!!

You can finish the neck and arms and hem the bottom if you like but I always prefer the natural look of unfinished knits. They get that soft curl after a couple of washings. ;)

Let me know what you think!! And PLEASE, if you try this out let me know!!

If you have any questions feel free to use the Contact Me button at the top of the page. :)


  1. Adorable..Love this outift.. looks so cute on Cailey.. And the fox flannel fabric is just too cute.
    I think this is one of the cutest outfifts you have done.. So fun. Especially like the bolero. Can't wait for the tutorial. thanks for sharing.

  2. Adorable! She must be the envy of every little girl she knows with all the pretty clothes you make for her!

  3. Thank you SOOOOO much, Judy!!! It is definitely on my list of favorites!! I was so excited that it turned out just exactly like I wanted it to! LOL

  4. AWW!!! Thank you SO much, Pam!!! She certainly has a lot of fun with it! LOL

  5. Adorable!!! So cute, and I'm sure it's very comfy!

  6. THANKS!!! She LOVES it. After we took the pics she asked if she could wear it all day. LOL

  7. Very ingenious! Your daughter is so cute! Thanks for stopping by.

  8. [...] This part of the tutorial is for the bolero. To find the tutorial for the gauchos and tank click here. [...]

  9. This is so cute. Love the pink!

  10. Thanks, Kerri!!!
    Cailey LOVED it! She wore it the whole day! LOL

  11. I'll bet... who wouldn't like to wear something so comfy and cozy all the day long. :) You're amazing the numbers of things you turn out. :)

  12. AWW!!! Thank you VERY much!!! I am having SUCH fun with it! LOL

  13. [...] this cute gaucho and bolero outfit for her daughter.  She breaks the tutorial up into two parts.  Go to part 1 to find out how to make the gauchos and tank.  Go to part 2 to find out how to make the [...]

  14. [...] this cute gaucho and bolero outfit for her daughter.  She breaks the tutorial up into two parts.  Go to part 1 to find out how to make the gauchos and tank.  Go to part 2 to find out how to make the [...]


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)