
February 15, 2013

Fly on the Wall February!

Have you ever thought about what people might think if they saw what goes on behind-the-scenes at your house? Do you ever wonder what it would be like to catch a glimpse of someone else’s daily life? Here’s your chance. Today 16 bloggers are inviting you into their homes to be a fly on the wall.

Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:                             

Sooo.... I...... Ummmmm...... Lost my list, again...... And here I am at the last second trying to pull something out of my ear. YILES!!!!!!!

Here is some of what I can remember.

FIRST I have BIG BIG BIG NEWS!!!! For my Valentine's Day present, The Hubby bought Jacob train tickets to come visit this weekend!! YAY!!!! We are paying for him AND his best friend to come down! They will get in bright and early Sunday morning and will be here until late Tuesday evening! YAY!! I am SOOOOOO excited! THE BEST Valentine's Day present EVER!!!! I can't wait to squeeze him!

OH! For those of you that may not know, Jacob is our oldest son. He is 19 and when we moved from VA to GA he decided to stay in VA. Broke my poor heart all to pieces. This will be his second visit since we moved here at the beginning of November.

Colin lost his first tooth!!! YAY!! He was sooooo anxious about it!  He has a 2nd loose one that I imagine will be gone any day now. I can wait to see him missing his 2 bottom front teeth!!! LOL SO stinkin' cute!

I am in the process of rereading the Harry Potter books for the I don't know WHAT time. LOL I almost had The Hubby persuaded into buying me the entire series in the British versions but then he remembered that Jacob coming to visit was my present... Drat. Foiled again! ;)

The Hubby told me a couple of weeks ago that I had too many books. HA!! No such thing exists!! Then I pointed out to him that he has quite a large library of DVDs. That got him quiet. ;)

I am still trying to adjust to living this far south. (We are almost in Florida.) It just isn't normal to have pollen and flowers in February. SIGH..... I want some SNOW, people!!!!!!

In Bags of Hope and Love news, I sent in ANOTHER email to the foster care system a couple of counties over (our county is TINY and has 6 kids total in the system) and I STILL haven't heard back!! I am so upset. I am not quite sure what to do.... I think that I will sew up some bags and send them to my old church and do some sewing with Hopeful Threads.

This month I nearly burnt myself out. I just had too many balls in the air and nearly dropped them all. Sewing, blogging, homeschooling, homemaking and taking college courses...... My goodness!! I have only one week left in my Business Growth class, though! YAY!!! Oh, and the final.... YILES!! Wish me luck!!!! At the end of April I will be starting a design class but a couple of my other classes should be done by then, I think....

I can't seem to remember any of the crazy or funny stuff!!! Figures. So to make up for that........

Sewing, homeschooling, Harry Potter and cats. Yep, I covered all the bases. ;)



  1. Nice to meet you, Stacy! What a wonderful Valentine's gift from your husband and how thoughtful to let him bring his bestfriend. Good luck on the final!

  2. Hilarious, Stacey! No one can ever have too many books, that's for sure!! So glad to know that your son will soon be visiting you! Have fun!

  3. Such exciting news about Jacob, so glad you get to bring him home again. Can't wait to see the pics from this visit. Love your posts and the way they update me on your life. You always seem to balance so much, and so well.

  4. I am sooooo excited that Jacob is coming home for a few days..yea, I know you are making plans right now..[wonder what you will cook this time? ] Nothing like, when those kiddos come home.
    SO sorry about the bags of hope, and the people not responding.. I know this is discouraging to you.. And makes you miss VA.. , even worse. Sending prayers for you.
    You are really an encourager to me.. You acccomplish so much..
    Take care and enjoy your sons visti..

  5. I've slowly hoarded enough books that my house could open as a library. :)
    Such a wonderful gift to have your boy home for a few days. Enjoy!

  6. How exciting that your oldest son is coming home! Reagan is only two but I am already dreading the moment when she moves out of the house and is away from me.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  7. Thanks, Roshni!!!
    I can't WAIT until he gets here!!!

  8. THANK YOU!!

    *SEEM* is the operative word there... LOL ;)

  9. Thank you VERY much, Judy!!!!

    It really does make miss VA even more. SIGH....

    I have a roast in the fridge. ;) And we are planning a trip to the beach and the sea turtle rescue place. Should be FUN! LOL

  10. LOL!! The Hubby keeps saying that we can get a smaller house in a few years but I don't think so! We need room for my books!! LOL ;)

  11. Thanks, Lanaya!!
    I'm not sure what I'll do with myself when the other kids are old enough to move out! WAH!!!!

  12. No such thing as too many books or shoes! Men, geesh. My mom heart cracked a little reading about your son deciding to stay behind, but that just means you raised a strong, confident young man ready to take on the world! (Or at least VA!)

  13. LOL! Thanks, Kristi!!
    Yep, he is very confident and independent. He always has been. SIGH.... I am very proud of him but I wish he would be confident and independent a little closer to me.... LOL ;)

  14. Love all these pictures! Sounds like you are going to have a great time with your son in town. I know I love it when my kids visit!

  15. Thanks!!!!
    I can't wait until he gets here!!! :D

  16. Having your eldest visit AND another losing teeth? You are having a blast, Stacy! Sorry I'm a bit behind. (I'm actually typing from a plane) We were able to get away for the long weekend so I have a lot of catching up to do! Still, I'm not nearly as busy as you. I hope everything is wonderful while all of those balls are up in the air :)
    BTW, I love the cartoon of the man asking his wife about the pin cushion. That is totally going in my craft room :)

  17. LOL!!! Thanks, Michele!!!
    Hope you had a GREAT time!!!! :D


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