
February 22, 2013

Inspiring Blog Award

Inspiring Blog Award

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

OMGOSH!! An AWARD!! You like me, you realllllly like me! (Sorry, but I love Sally Field. LOL)

I great big, GINORMOUS THANK YOU to The Menopausal Mother for bestowing this award upon me! I am very honored!

As with any blog award, there comes a set of rules:
1.  Display award image on your blog page.
2.  Link back to the person who nominated you.
3.  State 7 facts about yourself.
4.  Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
5.  Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to their posts.

7 Facts About Me -

1 - I am a bit of a goofball. Bet you didn't guess THAT! ;)

2 - I am an EXTREMELY picky eater. I was never made to eat anything I didn't like. I HATE it when The Hubby tries to get me to taste stuff he KNOWS I won't like! If it smells bad I won't go near it! LOL

3 - The only bone I have ever broken was my nose.

4 - I have had surgery 3 times.

5 - I reallllly want a tattoo, I just can't make up my mind about exactly what I want and where. I guess you could say I want several tattoos but I'm not sure I could go through with it several times! LOL I don't exactly like needles. BLECK!!!!

6 - I am a major chocoholic. Everything is better with chocolate. ;)

7 - I have blue eyes but they turn green when I am really tired or very sick, basically when they are very bloodshot! LOL

Now, to pass this on to 15 deserving bloggers! This is always a tough one for me. You see, there are actually bloggers who aren't that crazy about receiving these awards!! CRAZZZZZZZY to the extreme!!! Not want an award?? They MUST be cracked in the head. ;)

Anyway, I'm sure all these lovely ladies are as happy to receive this award as I was!!!

1- Rivas & Co.

2- Eileen’s Perpetually Busy

3- Patti’s Reading Corner

4- Sew Blessed Maw

5- Sewspicious Minds

6- Cindy’s Books & Bits

7- Little Kids Grow

8- Hopeful Threads

9- SquigglyTwigs Designs

10- Sewville

11 - WTF Am I Thinking

12 - Dear Ms Migraine

13 - Stringtown Home

14 - Dresses and Me

15 - Oso Victoria Love Fashion Love Vintage

I really hope that you will visit all of these wonderful blogs and show them some LOVE!!!!


  1. Congratulations!!!! And thank you for the nomination!!!

  2. Gonna have to put some thought into this, lol!

  3. LOL!! Yep! It's tough coming up with the facts and stuff!

  4. Well, of course, you are inspiring! You always have something on the machine and you homeschool and keep your sanity. Congratulations. I AM HAPPY FOR YOU!

  5. LOL!! Thanks, Regena!! I am sooo not sure about the sanity part.... ;)

  6. Thank you Stacy for nominating me. You are one thoughtful blogger!

  7. Congradulations Stacy.. You are definitely deserving of this one.. Proud for you..
    Thank you for nominating me.I appreciate your sweetness..

  8. You are very welcome and very deserving! :)

  9. Thank you, Judy!!
    You are also very deserving! And I love reading your blog and seeing your wonderful sewing projects!!

  10. [...] you to Thing, Stuff and Eco-Love, Stacy Sews and Schools and Sewville for giving me the very inspiring blogger [...]


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)