
February 3, 2013

Men's Shirt Refashion Challenge

Men's Shirt Refashion 011

The next challenge over at Project Run & Play is to refashion a man's button up shirt. It took me FOREVER to decide what I wanted to do with it! I had too many ideas racing around in my head!

Men's Shirt Refashion 012

I used the collar for her hair bow.

Men's Shirt Refashion 008

I LOVE the silver sequin ribbon! I was going to put it along the bottom of the top but I ran out! I went back to the store and it was ALL GONE! :(

Men's Shirt Refashion 020

I made the elastic casing out of the sequined ribbon.

Men's Shirt Refashion 019

I made the pants out of the sleeves! Cailey is such a little beanpole that the sleeves were a perfect fit! LOL

Men's Shirt Refashion 015

I turned the cuffs into bracelets. I cut a little out of the middle to make them small enough to not fall over her hands. Then I took the plain buttons off and added the shiny, blinged out buttons. ;)

I hope you like it!

The challenge after this one is the last. It will be the Signature Look Challenge. I *think* I know what I will be doing but that could always change.

I am still sewing through my stash except for this challenge! ;)


  1. This is SUPER cute! You can't even tell it was a men's shirt! I would've never thought to use the sleeves as shorts! I definitely love the bling!!!! <3

  2. YAY!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!
    It was a lot of fun to make! It got my brain working! LOL

  3. Another winner!!! Love the buttons up the back of the legs!

  4. This is the cutest thing, yet! She looks perfect in this. Now, she is svelte, stylish, lithsome. And looks as sweet as my Mom's Divinity. Cannot it to see what's next with you. Love, ya.

  5. AWW!!! THANK YOU, Regena!!!!!
    <3 <3 <3!!!!!

  6. stacy that is the cutest thing u are so talented when it come to making things I don't think I could do it and cailey makes the perfect model

  7. AWWWW!!! Thank you SOOOO much, Lisa!!!
    Y'all need to come for a visit!!!!

  8. Now how cool is this !?! very cute and smart idea!

  9. This is so so cute! How are her pants made? Are they from the rest of the sleeves?

  10. Thanks!!!
    Yes, they are cut from the sleeves. :) I had JUST enough room to cut them to fit.

  11. love the sequin ribbon & the pants details :)

  12. Stacie, I must say, this is the cutiest outfit that you have ever made for Cailey. I love,love it.. And making the capris out of the sleeves..adorable... I sure hope you do a tutorial for this one..
    Tell Cailey she looks adorable. SHe is a perfect model.

  13. THANK YOU SO MUCH, Judy!!!!

    There will be a small tutorial... I didn't take many pics.

  14. This turned out adorable! Love the cuffs. They add so much personality! :D

  15. Thank you SO much, Karly!!!!! Cailey loves that part, too! LOL

  16. Stacy, this is so well done. I marvel at people who can do this. You're so very innovative.

  17. Thank you so very much, Kerri! That means so much to me!!

  18. OMGosh Stacy! That's adorable! I want one too!

  19. LOL!!! Thanks, Kristi!!!!!

    How was the cruise????

  20. Looks great! Love the shiny accents.

  21. So creative, love it! thank so much for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

  22. the cuff bracelets with the rhinestones are just so fun - and she rocks them ;o)

  23. great work. thanks for the inspiration.
    warm regards

  24. Thank you very much!!!!! :D So glad you enjoyed it!

  25. maybe you find some interesting stuff on my blog too.

  26. I just followed and I can't wait to check it out! :D


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)