
February 5, 2013

Men's Shirt Refashion Tutorial (of sorts)

Men's Shirt Refashion 011

I didn't take but a few pictures during the making of this outfit but I think I can still walk you through the process with what pics I DO have. ;)

Men's Shirt Refashion 002

I started with a large men's shirt and my BFF, the seam ripper.

Men's Shirt Refashion 005

First I picked the seams off the sleeves.

Next came the collar (the fold over part).

Then I picked off the cuffs.

Men's Shirt Refashion 006

I cut the shirt along the white line.

Then I sewed up the side seams.

Men's Shirt Refashion 020

Next I sewed a finishing stitch along the arm holes/sleeve edges.

Then I pinned and sewed on the sequined ribbon.

After that I pinned and sewed the sequined ribbon to what was left of the collar.

Next I pinned and sewed the sequined ribbon around the high waist, leaving it open on the ends for the elastic casing.

I then threaded the elastic through, pulled the ends out of the casing and sewed the casing closed. After that I pulled on the elastic and cut the ends.

I did NOT hem the bottom of the top. I plan on going back and adding the sequined ribbon to the bottom as soon as I can get my hands on more of it! LOL So for the time being it just has a finishing stitch across the bottom. (Done after the pics were taken.)

Men's Shirt Refashion 019

The pants were a little tricky. You have to cut the tops of each sleeve below the curve where it fits to the arm holes. If Cailey had been any taller it probably would not have worked so well. LOL

After the tops are cut off, turn one sleeve inside out and slide down into the other sleeve. Then sew the crotch seam.  The inseam is already there from the sleeve seams. ;)

Next, I sewed a finishing stitch across the waist of the pants. Then I folded and pressed about 1".

After that I sewed the elastic casing, inserted 3/4" elastic and finished it up.

The last step was adding the sequined ribbon to the bottoms of the legs.

Men's Shirt Refashion 015

For the cuff bracelets, I cut a little out of the middle of each to make them smaller. Then I sewed them back together.

Next i took off the plain buttons and added the sparkly ones. ;)

Men's Shirt Refashion 012

The whole thing was MUCH easier than I thought it was going to be. If I knew it was going to be that easy I would have taken more pictures! LOL

OH!! I almost forgot!! Her hair tie was made from the fold over part of the collar! LOL I just top stitched the open seam. ;)

I hope this is helpful!! If you have ANY questions, please use the Contact Me button at the top of the page and send me an email!


  1. So cute!!! I didn't realize at first that you made bottoms too!

  2. Thanks, Lambie!!!
    Yep! When I saw that the sleeves would work as pants I just had to do it! LOL

  3. thank you Stacie, This is the most adorable outfit..I could see lots of ideas forming from this one..
    Still a little unsure of how you cut the pants? Would it be possiable to post a photo of just the pants? Or email it to me?? thanks..
    Also, thank you so much for the award..I appreciate it.

  4. You are VERY welcome!!!

    OH! I meant to post a pic of just the pants and forgot!! I will make sure to add it to one of my upcoming posts and link back to this one. SO SORRY!!!!!

  5. This is a darling refashion. I wish I still had a little girl to try it on. Luckily my teenager loves to refashion for herself. Nice work!

  6. Thank you very much!!!!
    I have tried to get my 16 year old interested in ANY way but no. :/

  7. This is really cute! It's amazing how you transformed that shirt. Makes me wish I could sew!

  8. Stacy you are so creative!!! Thank you for submitting yet another fun project to the Crafty Showcase! xoxo susie @bowdabra

    Ps- here is the newest linky! We have a new Button!

  9. I'm in awe of your creativity. How amazing that you could turn a men's shirt into such an adorable outfit. Definitely one of your top posts of the year.

  10. Thank you SO MUCH!!! I had such fun with it!! Now I wish I could find it! LOL It's lost somewhere in the girls' mess of a room! SIGH....


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