
March 1, 2013

Another Pattern Remix

Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 023

Here is my version of Me Sew Crazy's Spring Fever Dress! None too soon, the linky party opened yesterday at Project Run & Play!

Here is a picture of the original dress.

Here are some more pictures of MY version!

Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 025

Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 034

The little bunny is my very first attempt at making my own iron-on. I LOVE IT!!! Get ready for some more! LOL

Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 029

Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 028

This was also my first attempt at covering buttons. It was SO much easier than I thought it would be! :D

Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 016

I printed out the pattern in the largest size available and then set to making it a size 8.

Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 018
Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 017 Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 019

Here are my pattern pieces upped to size 8.  (Please excuse the messy writing!)

I changed the back of the original dress to the front, left off the sleeves, and changed the skirt quite a bit. Instead of having 4 ruffles for the skirt I have one over a regular skirt. ;) I didn't mix it up a whole lot but I think I did enough to make it MY way.

Pattern Remix Me Sew Crazy Spring Fever Dress 021

Here are my pieces all pinned and ready to sew!!!

I had thought about using some of the eyelet trim for sleeves but then thought it might be a bit too much.... Still not sure about that. LOL

So, there it is! I hope you like it!!!

In other sewing news, I am STILL waiting on my shipment from Joann's. GRRRR! Amazon is sooooo much faster! I ordered the owl pellets, Magic School Bus Electricity kit and 2 books a few days AFTER ordering from Joann's and the Amazon shipment got here days ago! SIGH......


  1. I love this dress remix. It reminds me of the dresses I made for my daughter back in the day. She like a ruffle, but not too many and pink was her favorite. Cailey is getting prettier by the day. Quite the accomplished model.

  2. AWW!!!! THANK YOU, Regena!!!!
    Yep, that's Cailey. She loves pink and girly but does't want me to OVER do it! LOL So funny!

  3. I am waiting for fabric to, from I ordered a beautiful dragonfly print fabric to do this remix in and I hope that it arrives on time. I even started a blog just so I could participate in this remix (and some other sew alongs). I am not sure yet if I want to try to increase the pattern to a size 6 for my daughter or make it in a size 5 for my niece.

  4. Oh! That stinks!!! WHY are they so slow????
    It should be fairly easy to adjust it to a size 6. You could always do 2! LOL ;)
    GOOD LUCK!!! I look forward to seeing your remix! I <3 dragonflies!!!

  5. Thank you, LaVonne! I was amazed at how easy it was to make them! LOL

  6. I don't sew so I don't know what it takes to change a pattern like that, but I do know what I like and you did a beautiful job. I especially LOVE the buttons.

  7. Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!!! :D <3!!!!
    I am definitely going to have to get some more button covering sets! It really makes a big difference! LOL

  8. Stacy, You outdid yourself on this is so the eyelet with it, and I like that you did the buttons all way down the cute..
    I agree, I love,love covered buttons.. They just make everything look better.. Love them on my blouses,when I make them..[and they are fun to make, aren't they? ha]
    Happy sewing.

  9. THANK YOU, Judy!!
    LOL! They are REALLY fun to make! LOL And the banging I did kept the cats away for a little while! ;)

  10. I've never ordered stuff from JoAnn's, but I do look at their website a lot! Maybe it's just as well...

  11. LOL! Well, I FINALLY got my order! They even added a small amount of extra fabric since it was the end of bolt. I guess that makes up for it. ;)

  12. Another wonderful Stacy creation. You never fail to amaze me. I keep expecting you to announce that you've started your own line. :)

  13. LOL!! Thanks, Kerri!!!
    I am actually hoping to do that some day.... ;)

  14. Thanks! :)

    I can't wait to see what you do!!!

  15. Super cute! I love how the button are done!
    Thanks for sharing this at my Pin Me Linky Party. I hope you come visit & link again.

  16. That bunny is adorable!!! And I like the white peplum! Such a great idea!

  17. So adorable, love the little bunny! thanks for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday, always love seeing what you've been sewing, such an inspiration!

  18. That rabbit is so cute! Love the peplum too!

  19. Sooo cute! Makes me want to read Through the Looking Glass or have a tea party.

  20. Thank you, Tess!!!
    It does have a bit of Alice to it! LOL


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)