
June 1, 2013

Sewing Away!

I have been busy as a bee! Sewing, sewing and more sewing!! :)

Here is what I have.

Sewing to Rebuild 1001

Sewing to Rebuild 1006

This little outfit will be going in the bag I made this week along with the little lamb.  It's not much but it's something!!

Sewing to Rebuild 1008

I just finished this bag a few minutes ago. I plan on putting a pair of shorts or PJ pants and a stuffed ball in it. :)

I was watching the news last. I can't believe all the tornadoes that were popping up. Is it just me, or does it seem like there are more than normal this year???

So thankful to be living near the mountains. I know that doesn't make us immune from the tornadoes but I feel a bit better. I can remember living in Middle Tennessee and being scared to death by the tornado warnings that seemed to happen way too often. We had no cellar or basement and I was always making the kids get in the closet.

I think we can be sure of being safe from hurricanes this year, too. No more flooding!!

Just counting my blessings today.

On a lighter note.... Guess what we have here????


An ICE CREAM LADY!!! WOOO HOOOO!!! That is something that we missed out on while living in the country! ;) We've only managed to catch her once. The first few times she drove through too quickly. Then the kids decided that we ought to wait outside for 30 minutes before the usual time, just in case! It worked! But we haven't seen it since. Was it something we said?? LOL Maybe she will show up today. Fingers crossed!


  1. Wonderful! Love the sweet umbrella print too! :) And an Ice Cream Lady????? Soooo jealous! ;)

  2. THANKS!!
    We were thrilled when we heard the music! The kids started jumping up and down and yelling! LOL

  3. Your generosity and talents will be sew appreciated, Stacy! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Is it sad that the first thing I did was try to see what books are on your shelves?
    Love the umbrella print. You are an inspiration, Stacy!

  5. ROFLOL!! I wondered if anyone would do that!! LOL

    THANK YOU, Lambie!!

  6. The dresses are darling. As usual you are way ahead of so many. Your generosity is inspiring. Let me know when you are ready to do bags of love again.

  7. Thank you so much, Regena!!!! You are too sweet!! I will certainly let you know!!


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)