
August 10, 2013

Cute and Easy Can Craft

owl pencil can 005

I had this old tin can sitting around with all our pens and pencils in it. It was so ugly!! I decided to pretty it up a little bit so it could sit on our table for the upcoming school year.

owl pencil can 001

I had a bit of scrap owl fabric left over from my cousin's pjs and I thought it would be perfect for this!

I used a fabric marker to mark the measurements. I left an inch at the top and bottom.

Next I took my trusty hot glue gun and glued the fabric around the side. I folded over the fabric at the end and glued it in place.

Then I folded the remaining inch at the top into the can and glued it. After that I folded over the remaining inch at the bottom and hot glued it.

I decided that it needed a little something else and added the ribbon (hot gluing it in place, too).

Now I have a cute pencil can for our table!  Simple, easy and cute! ;)



  1. I just love how cute that can came out. I've got a desk in my kitchen, I think I'm going to save a can the next time I use one and get some fabric to match my kitchen colors!

  2. THANK YOU!!!
    GREAT idea!!
    I have had that can FOREVER! LOL It was an old formula can!! And Colin is 6! ;)


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)