
October 28, 2013

Costume Preview

Halloween Costumes 2013

So here is a little preview of Cailey and Colin's Halloween costumes. I didn't do them up like we will on Halloween but I did want to show how they look so far. We will go full make-up and hair on Thursday. I can't wait!!! :D

BUT we are hitting cold season here at the house. My oldest, Jacob has a really terrible cold and now 2 of the other kids are getting sore throats! NOOOOO!!! Cailey and Colin missed Halloween last year because they were both sick!! We don't want a repeat!

In case you are wondering exactly what Cailey is this year, here is a picture of a Jinafire Long doll.

Monster High Travel Scaris Jinafire Long Doll

I used a pattern for the main dress but put quite a bit of my own twists on it. I matched the fabric up as best as I could. All in all, I am very proud of it.

Underneath the dress is a 2 piece gold lame outfit, made to look like Jinafire's scales. Hopefully it will also help to keep Cailey warm.

Colin's was a bit easier. I drafted a pattern for the pirate shirt and used eyelets for the first time. MUCH easier than I thought it would be.



  1. Adorable.. Both of them... Can't wait to see them made up..
    Praying the sick kids will be better soon...and that these 2 won't catch it..

  2. Thank you, Judy!!
    It's too late for Colin. He has a terrible sore throat this morning. WAH!!!!

  3. And now Cailey is sick, too. She just came downstairs holding her throat.


  4. Your kids are so lucky to have a Mom who's so talented. I've been known to sew pockets closed . . . when actually trying to hem a pair of pants.

  5. LOL!!! Thank you, Karen!!! <3 <3 <3!!!!!!

    I once put the sleeve in where the neck goes.... LOL

    And once again, THANK YOU!! I needed the laugh!!! The plague is running rampant through the house.


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)