
December 19, 2013

Christmassy Stuff and More Kids Crafts

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We have been VERY busy lately with Christmassy stuff. Our tree went up the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It was a day late! LOL

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I took Cailey and Colin to the Lowe's Build and Grow last Saturday. They made the cutest scratch and sniff Christmas trains!!

We missed the 2 kids workshops at Home Depot this month. :( One because of a bad tire (and NO place open to replace it) and one because of the ice storm (see yesterday's post).

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We've painted ornaments for the tree. Colin decided to go with an all black snowflake. LOL That child definitely has his own opinions about everything! ;)

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The Hubby and I sneaked away for a few hours to go to his company's Christmas party. It was sooo sooo sooo pretty! I was afraid that I was going to get thrown our for harassing the peacocks!

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And we have been doing tons more Christmas crafts!!

You can find the template for the Christmas Tree puppet at Scholastic.

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We made Rudolph with hand print antlers. Colin's is on the left and Cailey's on the right. She said she wanted hers to look like it was facing her.

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We listened to The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies from The Nutcracker and I asked Cailey and Colin to paint what it made them think of while they listened to it.

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Then I let them watch it with me and paint what they thought of it after watching it.

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Here we did white crayons with water color paints over it. If you look very closely you might be able to see their snowflakes. I think next time we will try construction paper instead of butcher paper.

SHEW!! And that is what we have been up to lately. I'll surely have more crafts and activities in the days to come! :D


  1. Some pretty and fun Christmas activities, going on at your house...
    Merry Christmas..

  2. Thank you, Judy!!!! :D We are having all kinds of fun!

  3. Colin's ballerinas "after" are just AMAZING!

    And I LOVE Cailey's reindeer "facing her"!

    We would all be better artists if we could still see the world like children do--and be unafraid to share our view!

  4. Thank you so much, Joanne!!!

    You are so right!! The world would be much better off if it looked at everything the way children do.

  5. […] but we more or less just listen and discuss. Every once in a while we might do like we did with The Nutcracker and I will have them paint or draw how the music makes them feel or what it makes them think […]


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)