
December 30, 2013

Top 10 Posts of 2013

Top 10 Posts of 2013

It's TIME!!! Time to ring out the old and bring in the new! :D Don't you just love New Year's?? You can kiss the mistakes of the last year goodbye and welcome a clean slate.

As I've said before, I never make resolutions. No way am I setting myself up for failure from the get go. ;) BUT here are some of the things that I want to do more of in the new year.

SEWING -  It's been 2 LOOOOONG months since I have sat at my sewing machine. That's 2 months too long. I have GOT to figure out a way to unpack my sewing stuff in this tiny house!! We are only supposed to be here a few months (until the rental agent finds us a bigger place) but I am going through some heavy withdrawals already!!! LOL

CRAFTING - It has been forever since I made anything. ARGH!!!! I need my creative outlets!! I'll go starkers!!!

READING -  I used to set myself reading challenges at the beginning of each year. It's been a couple of years since I have done that. Just not enough time. SIGH.... BUT I am planning a couple of different challenges for 2014. One is the Alphabet Soup Challenge made by Escape With Dollycas Into a Good Book.  You can check my page for it out HERE.

The other challenge is to read 100 books. That used to be NOTHING to me. I could read 3 books a week. AHHH, those were the days.

I'll be keeping up with that challenge over at Goodreads.

Now, on to the Top 10 Posts of 2013!!!


worm unit study

My Worm Unit Study!!!

That was a fun one to make. We actually haven't done it yet... SHHHH!!! That'll be one for spring! ;)


My Rocks and Minerals Unit Study! That was a fun one. The kids love anything hands on. I made sure to save everything from our  kits so we can do it again. ;)


Apron skirt 1

Apron Skirt Tutorial I just love old fashioned clothes for kids!! Not all the time but it's nice to have some pieces. This was such a quick and easy little skirt to make. It can be easily personalized for the little girl in your life.


DinoROAR 1

DinoROAR Tutorial Part 2 - Colin still loves this outfit. It's holding up well, too! HA! Little boys can be so hard on clothes!!


Marco Polo Unit Study  

Another fun, hands on study. And another one that we have actually put to use. ;)


Plants Unit Study -  Ummm... another one that we will be getting to this spring.... I figure we'll do plants and worms at the same time.  ;)


Simple Machines

Simple Machines Unit Study

This is going to be SO MUCH FUN, when we actually get to it.... (Our next science unit will be weather, which I think is perfect for winter in TN.)


Tee to Short-all 1

Tee to Short-all Refashion Tutorial

This was so much fun to make for my cousin's little guy.


Aztec, Inca & Maya (DK Eyewitness Books)

Aztecs, Incas and Mayans Study Unit

I think this one was so popular because it's hard to find great resources for that topic. Not sure why... It's so interesting! So much fun to learn about!!!

Drum roll, please.


Sharky Stuffed Toy 1

EASY Stuffed Shark Toy Tutorial and Pattern

My very first (and really only) pattern made to share! LOL

Y'know... I never get around to making one for Colin.... Something to add to my to sew list!! Not like it isn't a mile long already!!

So, there you have it! My top 10 of 2013!!! I hope you've enjoyed them all!!! Please, stick around for 2014!!!! And invite some friends!! PLEASE!! LOL



  1. I love that shark toy, I'd put one on my bed. Got any Red Sox material?

    Happy New Year, my friend. Looking forward to all you have to share in 2014.

  2. OOOH!! I need to look for some Red Sox!!!! I have another friend that's a Sox fan! I can get 2 friends with one print! LOL
    Happy New Year to you, too!!!! <3!!!!

  3. You have been a busy lady.. all of this and moving, and home schooling.. I admire you!!
    I miss all the sewing tutorials... Hope they find you a larger house soon.. Hang in there.. Things will be better soon. Hugs.

  4. Thank you so much, Judy!! You are always such a great encouragement to me!!! :D

  5. Great wrap up! I'm going to sew more this year for sure too. Thanks for linking up to Tips and Tricks!


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)