February 19, 2014

Chemistry Experiments

Science Experiments

YIPPEE!!! I got a new laptop!!! After weeks of fighting with the old one and then over a week without one at all, I am so relieved! No more fighting The Hubby and Cailey and Colin over the desktop! LOL

I was taking to Cailey and Colin yesterday about what they wanted to do next in science. Colin says, "I want to be a mad scientist! I want to mix stuff together!" Ok, chemistry it is! ;)

This post is all about the hands on of chemistry. The more technical stuff (with printables and all that) will come later. Right now I just want to introduce them to the fun side of it and learn that way. ;)

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We will be using this book.

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There are TONS and TONS of science experiments books out there. Search your library system, you are sure to find more than enough. ;)

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Chemistry Science Fair Project Ideas - Science Buddies

Kitchen Chemistry - PBS Kids

Chemistry for Kids - Ducksters (mostly info)

Chemistry for Kids - Science Kids

Chemistry Activities - ACS.org

More Activities from ACS

Chemistry Activities for Kids - Chemistry.About.com

Real World Examples of Chemicals and Chemical Reactions - Chem4Kids

Kitchen Chemistry - The Scientific Mom

50 Kitchen Science Activities - Science Sparks

Chemistry Resources - Unschool Rules

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Chemistry Kits at Amazon



I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)