
July 30, 2014

Owl Print Kitchen Curtains

So, I needed some new kitchen curtains. We moved and all my old curtains were worn out! My kitchen here is very retro.... That's just my way of saying OLD!!! LOL Seriously, the stove is older than I am!!! My cabinets are those really old dark wood with the hammered metal handles... Yes, it's THAT old! LOL But I think I can work with it. At least there's a new dishwasher, right???

Anyway, I bought a really cool owl chalkboard with the gift certificate that Jacob gave me for Mother's Day.

I wanted to use it in the kitchen and I wanted my curtains to tie it in.

I mentioned the other day about the recent 50% off sale at Hancock's, well, I bought about 4 yards of white broadcloth to use with an owl print that I have had in my stash forever!!

Here is the result!

I am so pleased at how they turned out!! They brighten the whole kitchen up!! And I think they go well with the age of the kitchen. Very late 60s, early 70s, yes??

I used flowered nails to hang the valance over the sink and the panel on the door. I really like the way it looks. The nails match the hammered metal on the cabinets. 

I also made some very simple little flower buckets to use on my dining room table.

I bought the buckets at Target for $1!! They already had the chalkboard stars on them!! Then I grabbed a $3 set of yellow flowers. I pulled all the flowers off and placed them in the buckets. Simple, cheap but cute!! Well, at least I think so! ;)

Next I'll be working on some simple black curtains for Joshua's room. After that the girls need new curtains. Wait until you see the print they picked out. OH, BOY!!!


  1. Stacy, I love the owl theme.. So cute.. and your curtains are just perfect.. Love the retro look.. Are you liking your new home? Hope so...

    1. Thank you so much, Judy!
      We are loving our new home. And after everyone getting sick, we are finally getting all settled in. :D


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