
September 2, 2014

Crazy Beaver Curtains and Vintage Sewing Valances

I have finally taken pictures of some of the other things I made for the new house! 

This is one of the valances that I made for our homeschooling/sewing/play room. I LOVE the print!!! It's all vintage sewing items. Printed burlap is the best!!!

I made this valance the same way I did the DIY No Sew Valance. SO much better than putting the burlap through your machine!!!
I also used the decorative nails to hang the valance instead of a curtain rod.

Here is the crazy beaver print that the girls picked for their room!!! Dumby me didn't get quite enough fabric so there's only one panel per window. I tried going back but the beaver print was long gone. :/ 
It's OK, though. The girls love their new curtains and Deanna assures me that she never opens them anyway. She doesn't like the light. LOL

I've got 1,001 things going on here BUT I will have 2 new tutorials coming up in the next couple of weeks. Not to mention, we start a new homeschool year today!! Wooo hooo!! Lots of homeschooling posts coming up, too!!! And there will always be the special Friday posts! :D

                           HAVE FUN SEWING AND HOMESCHOOLING!!!!


  1. love, love the burlap sewing valance.. That is so cute.. Never seen that burlap fabric. The girls curtain fabric
    is cute too.. Happy sewing, and happy home schooling.. Looking forward to the tutorials..

    1. Thank you so much, Judy!!! I got the burlap at Joann's! LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!
      Happy sewing to you, too!! :D


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