
September 30, 2014

DIY Team Color Headband Earmuffs

Tailgating Extravaganza!!!!

Oh, do I have something special for you today!!! This is the first of many special group projects (about once a month). Today 9 different bloggers have posts dedicated to tailgating!! We have recipes, DIY and techie stuff. Each and every blogger involved has something special to share with you. SO many bloggers, SO MUCH talent!!!

Are you ready to party?????

My special tailgating offer is a tutorial for headband earmuffs in YOUR team's colors! So warm and cozy! So fast and easy!!! AND they go perfectly with the Fan Tote and DIY Lap Rug (Cailey is wearing the lap rug around here shoulders in the picture).

I was a little nervous at first. I knew in my head how I wanted them to look but I wasn't sure if I would be able to pull it off. Well, I don't know about you but I LOVE IT!!!!!

They are nearly one size fits all, Cailey, Deanna and I can wear them. 


2 pieces of team colored chevron fleece - 24" long by 4" wide

1 piece of black minky dot - 6" long by 3" wide

1 piece of 1/2" elastic - 4" long

1 small piece cut from team print cotton

1 small black bow

Fabric glue

Step 1-

First I cut my pieces to 24" long by 4" wide.

Step 2 -

Next, I cut out the team logo and trimmed it up a bit (maybe a little too much).

Step 3 -

Pin the logo onto the right side of one of the fleece strips.

Sew along the edges. You can use a zigzag. I used a straight stitch (I don't mind if the edges fray a tad after washing).

Step 4 -

Take both fleece strips and pin them with right sides together.

Sew along both long sides but not the short ends. 

Step 5 - 

Take your 6" long by 3" wide piece and fold it in half with right sides touching.

Pin and sew a seam down the long side.

Turn right side out.

Step 6 -

Take a large safety pin and pin both ends of the elastic.

Push through the tube.

Pull the safety pins out the ends and sew the elastic in place. 

Step 7 -

Fold in the ends of the fleece. 

Slide the elastic casing into the end and pin.

Sew in place.

Now, do the same for the other side.

Step 8 -

Take fabric glue and glue on a bow.

Wait for the glue to dry and you are all done!!! :D


Don't forget to check out all of the special posts!! You don't want to miss any of them!!! 

Karen at Baking in a Tornado is our ring leader or should I say coach?? Party planner?? She's the queen, that should cover it. 
She has a SCRUMPTIOUS recipe for Glazed Kielbasa Sandwiches. YUMMMMMY!!!!!

Diane of Canning and Cooking at Home brings you a recipe for a delicious Spicy Mustard Relish (perfect for those Glazed Kielbasa Sandwiches).

Need something to read while you're waiting for your tailgating friends to show up? Check out what Robin at Someone Else's Genius has to say in her review of The System: The Glory and Scandal of Big-Time Football.

Shellybean at Follow Me Home will show you how to make Reversible Busy Bags to keep the kiddos busy while you're trying to watch the game!!

Eileen at Eileen's Perpetually Busy will show you how to keep your tushy comfy with her tutorial for a Tailgating Seat Cushion!

Lydia at Cluttered Genius will show you how to make an Upcycled Garland out of things you already have!! Perfect for decorating that tailgate!! 

Melissa at Home on Deranged shows you how to get tech savvy with your tailgating!!! (I need this!! I am so tech challenged!!!)

Shawn from Literary Litter will show you how to crochet a Snapcap!! (I really want to learn to crochet properly!!)

There you go! The party is in full swing!! Don't miss a second of it!

                    HAVE FUN TAILGATING!!!!


  1. Those look like they'd be WARM :)

    1. They are super warm! I can't wait for the cooler weather so I can wear them all the time! LOL

  2. Stacy, those are adorable! I'm going to make a (Detroit!!) version of those for my youngest. Thanks for the great tutorial!!

    1. YAY!!! Thank you, Shellybean!!! You'll have to show me pics!!!! :D

  3. Love it!! Adorable and love the team logo/colors idea! Great for Tailgating :) Looks so cozy and warming too!! Diane

    1. Thank you so much, Diane!!! They are super warm! I just wish it would get cool enough to actually wear them! LOL

  4. I'm one of those people who are absolutely miserable when their ears get cold. How did you know?
    Cailey is such a good sport about being your model. You're a lucky Mama. Even if you DO keep promoting the wrong team.

    1. ROFLOL!!! <3 <3 <3!!!!
      Cailey absolutely loves being my model/muse. ;) THANK GOODNESS! Don't know what I would do otherwise. I am definitely NOT model material! LOL ;)

  5. Although I may not agree with your team choices *coughcoughCowboyscoughcough* I can certainly appreciate the need for this gear later in the football season. And your little model is a doll. She looks pretty comfy in them! Pinning!

    1. Thank you so much!!!! :D
      We'll just pretend the C word was never mentioned. ;)

  6. Stacy, I thought we could be friends... I'm a Packers fan. LOL Just kidding!

    This looks so comfy and warm. Y'all are making me want to sew things and I don't sew. :)

    1. LOL!!! The Hubby is a Packers fan, too. SIGH.....

      You should try it!!! ;) I didn't sew until 2 1/2 years ago!


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)