
October 30, 2014

My Anna FAIL

There it is, people, and it is NOT pretty. SIGH.... What a mess!!!! I am very disappointed in myself. This is SO NOT what I had in my head. 

BUT, I will take this as a learning experience. LOL Now I know what NOT to do. 

Cailey is happy, though. Really, that's what matters most. 

Let me break it down for you.

The bodice. SIGH... And that's the 2nd try. 

I embroidered the designs on the front. I do NOT have an embroidery machine but I do have a zigzag stitch. SO NOT THE SAME!!! LOL 

Then there's the point that will not lie flat. Possibly it's the gold lame fabric to blame... 

But that SKIRT!! Oh, my. What an epic fail! 

I appliqued the flowers and the blue at the bottom. It's so sloppy and of course the shiny taffeta shows every little pucker.

So, what would I do differently??

One - I would buy the spray adhesive if I ever decide to applique slippery pieces to slippery pieces, again.


Two - I would use Paint and create iron-ons. LOL THAT seems like the best idea right there! WHY didn't I think of that sooner??? Too bad I'm out of fabric or I might give it a try. 

Thankfully the cape turned out well and it hides most of the awful dress. 

Have YOU ever had an epic FAIL??? 

On another note.....
I am a little behind on my posts. I've been dealing with a nasty toothache and abscess for a couple of weeks. I finally dragged myself to the doc. Then I proceeded to have an adverse reaction to the antibiotic. I ended up in the ER with massively swollen feet and ankles. I was told to put my feet up, get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. HA HA HA HA!! That hasn't happened. But I am feeling better! The swelling has gone down some and the pain is manageable again. Hopefully it is all gone by tomorrow night! I have to take Cailey and Colin around the neighborhood for to trick or treat!!

ANYWAY, this has put me way behind on my Halloween sewing and baking. Deanna still wants a high-low skirt and Mad Hatter's hat (fingers crossed that I can pull this off in a DAY). And I still need to make zombie cookies, a skull cake, and spider cupcakes. HELP!!!!!! 

Remind me to start early next year... Like maybe JULY!!!! LOL



  1. Stacy, if that is an epic fail, I'd love to see things you're really pleased with!!! I think it looks wonderful. To those of us who aren't talented sewers, that is a work of art. Good luck with the rest of your list of things to do. Yikes!

    1. Thank you SO MUCH!!!! That makes me feel so much better. I just had it all built up in my mind, y'know???

      THANK YOU, again!!!!

  2. Honestly, I don't think the dress looks bad! It's a, it doesn't need to be perfect anyway. Plus, it looks 100 times better than anything you can buy in the store.

  3. That is not a fail, Cailey looks adorable.
    I do have to say that although the thoughts in our head are great for inspiration, I think they're also harmful because we see the end result not for what it is but we see it more in comparison to what was in our head when we started.
    Glad you're feeling better. Hope you all have a very happy Halloween.

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!
      You are so very right. Most of the time our results just can't match what we planned but that doesn't mean they aren't any good.

      THANK YOU!!!!!


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