
November 11, 2014

I Am a Terrible Blogger

Usually I post on Monday (homeschool post), Tuesday (sewing post), Friday (monthly blog series) and Saturday (week in review). This week I have had nothing. Nothing at all since last Friday!! 

Let me explain what's been going on... 

I have been dealing with some mouth pain for at least a month now. It got worse and worse and worse.

When I took the kids to get flu shots I decided to ask the doctor for some antibiotics and pain meds, before going and seeing the dentist (my old dentist wouldn't touch my teeth if they were infected). I got the antibiotics (no pain meds) only to end up having an allergic reaction to them.

Off I went to the ER. 

More antibiotics (still no pain meds) but then I ended up with an infection on the OTHER side of my mouth.
I gave up and called a dentist. 

I went in to see him and we decided I should go to the oral surgeon.
More antibiotics (still no pain meds).

I go see the oral surgeon and we make plans to remove 2 of my teeth this Wednesday. SIGH.. BUT I finally got something for the pain other than ibuprofen!!!!! 

It seems as though the teeth I had fillings in when I was a kid have become worse. Some the of the fillings have come OFF!! SIGH... And the issues are just too far down towards the gums for my dentist to save. :( Thankfully they are molars and won't be noticeable. Thank goodness for small favors!

Anyway, the infections and pain have set off the fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. On top of all of that, I am still busy running everyone to all the places that they need to go. To put it mildly, I am kaput. Worn out. Done in. 

I will still have a post this Friday and next Tuesday. Other than those, I can't promise anything. 
Just SO tired all the time. 

Hopefully by this weekend I will be feeling much better and can get to some of the sewing I have been wanting to do!

Wish me luck!!!!!


  1. You are a great blogger. I'm so sorry you're suffering through all of this pain. I hope the relief comes quickly. I know the bout of fibro will take longer to get rid of, but maybe without the pain in your mouth you'll get through that quicker too. I'm here if you need me!

  2. Sometimes we need a break and it sounds like you need a small vacation!

    Sending healing thoughts your way & rest up Stacy!

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!
      I ended up taking a break by being admitted to the hospital but at least it all worked out. LOL


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