
September 7, 2015

Blog with Friends - Back to School

It's Blog with Friends time again!! WOO HOO!! I am so happy to be back with a new tutorial for you!! It feels like it has been AGES since I had a new tutorial!! I think the last one was a Blog with Friends! 

Anyway, this time around I have an easy peasy nap mat cover for you. Super fast, super easy!!! 

My cousin's little boy is starting preschool and they requested that the parents have covers for the kids' nap mats. 


What I Used 

Less than 2 yards of fabric
Coordinating thread


With the fabric folded in half, like it comes off the bolt, I put the nap mat on it and cut the fabric.
You want to leave several inches at the top and bottom as well as the sides for seam allowance, room for it to be folded, and room for it to spread out when the child lies down on it. 
Make sense??


Sew the zipper in the top.
I guess I'm a little rusty at this tutorial thing because this is the only picture I took of the zipper process.

You are going to fold the fabric over at the top by 1/4" and press.

Fold over 1/2" and press.

Place the zipper on the wrong side of the fabric and pin in place.

Sew the zipper.

I did a double row of stitches for reinforcement.


With wrong sides together and your zipper open, sew the 2 open sides together. 

Turn right side out!

Slide your mat inside.

Zip it up!

You're done!!!!!

So, what do you think?? Fast and easy????

Don't forget to click the links to all the other posts!!! You know they're going to be AWESOME!!!!!

Karen at Baking in a Tornado has this DELICIOUS recipe for Kit Kat Brownie Bars. OMG!! I NEEEEED THESE!!!!

Lydia from Cluttered Genius has the perfect list for you - Favorite Sites for Teaching Online. As a homeschooler this is AWESOME!!!!

Melissa from Home on Deranged has a great post about Apps to Use and Apps to Lose for the School Year

The Lieber Family has a great tutorial for making a Personalized Pencil Pouch AND a More Organized School Year. AWESOME!!!!

Eileen from Eileen's Perpetually Busy has a wonderful tutorial for making a special display for Take a Trip Back in Time

Robin from Someone Else's Genius has an awesome tutorial for this GORGEOUS Back to School Wreath! Love it!

Joy at Evil Joy Speaks has a tutorial for a Back to School Homework Table! SO cool!!!

Make sure you click on all the SUPER AWESOME links!!!!


  1. Zippers always scare me. I've only ever done one, and I paid for a sewing lesson to walk me through it! This is a great tutorial, though. And I love the fabric!

    1. They used to scare me, too. Then I realized as long as I was using a zipper foot it made things SO MUCH easier!!! :D

  2. That's so cute! It occurred to me that that nap mat (and cover) would make a great dog bed, lol! I don't have preschoolers, so I have to figure out other uses :)

    1. Oh, definitely!!! Then you can use that as a blog post! ;) LOL

  3. When we were in school we didn't have covers for our mats and now I'm thinking "gross, why not?" Love not only that the cover is so cute, but that you can choose fabric based on the child's personality. I bet the individuality is a comfort.

  4. Super cute. I keep thinking that I should get a mat for the baby for when we are out and about. A cover would be awesome for cleaning once we got home!

  5. You're so talented, Stacy! I'm glad you're back with us again. I missed you!

  6. We still have our kindie mats - and this is a perfect way to continue to use them! The girls can take them to ball games and over to friends' homes and now I will be able to wash the cover!!!


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)