
May 25, 2012

Linky Parties, Finished Sewing Projects, Advice for New Sew-ers andGrocery Story Craziness

I just signed my blog up in a linky party over at Sew Many Ways!! YAY!!! So, HELLO to anyone that stumbles in! Welcome to my blog!

I managed to finish my sewing project last night. It took me 2 days!! But I had a big disaster! Here are some of the pics!

I had a disaster with the back of the blouse!


One side came out DEFINITELY shorter than the other! LOL It was a time consuming but fairly easy fix. I just took the back apart and shortened the one side then put it all back together again. And this time the zipper looks better, too! LOL

I am new to sewing. VERY new but I wanted to give some advice to other newbies or people that are just thinking about trying it out. My advice is just DO IT! I am sort of a jump in with both feet and figure it out as I go person. LOL And that's what I did with sewing. I grabbed some scraps and fiddled with all the knobs and buttons on my machine until I felt comfortable. Then I started sewing clothes! The Hubby thought I would start off with pillows and simple straight things. HA! ;) Anyway, if you are thinking about trying it out, GO FOR IT!! It really amazed me how easy it is. I make mistakes all the time and the seam ripper is my BFF but I just keep going. I follow a TON of blogs. That's very helpful because most of them have tutorials so it's easier to see how something comes together. Patterns can be intimidating, at least they were for me, but once you figure out what they are trying to say it becomes a lot easier.

Grocery shopping. SIGH... What a chore. At least it is when you are shopping for 7 people!! I take the Js with me to push the buggies and that leaves me free to zig-zag down the aisles and grab what I'm after. I LOVE to see the looks on the cashiers' faces when we pull into their lines with 2 buggies! LOL "Are you all together?" Yes. "Having a party are you?" Nope. This is just a regular shopping trip! ROFLOL! I do the bulk of our grocery shopping every 2 wks. Then we usually make a family trip once a week for special items and milk, bread, etc. That's always fun, too. We always get, "Are they all yours??" One day I am going to get up the nerve to say, "Nope. We just pick up random kids off the side of the road and bring them with us." ;)

I have two more skirts that I am planning to do for the Crafterhours Skirt Week contests. I think I will do the kid's skirt this weekend. This one will be ALL from my own mind. Scary! LOL And I am going to take pics of the whole process and write up a little tutorial once I'm all finished.


  1. LOL! You definitely need to play that prank. Of course they're yours, why would you drag them all shopping if they weren't?

  2. ROFL! Exactly!!! I try to go WITHOUT all of them... I sure wouldn't take them if they weren't mine!! :))

  3. Hi! It's so interesting that we have so much in common about sewing! I started out the same way, one day all of a sudden I just said that I wanted a sewing machine and start sewing. I just learned by myself through books and blogs! I'm amazed at the things I have been able to sew so far, bags, curtains, dresses...Of course it helps to have a good machine and the passion to do such things. Keep it up!

  4. Thanks! My machine and I have a love/hate relationship. I love it, it hates me. LOL I think I am starting to get the bugs worked out though. ;) I think I got a double dose of the sewing gene. Both my grandmothers were avid sew-ers and I can remember sitting in the floor watching them sew.
    That's how I have learned, too. I hope to be able to help others that are just starting out.

  5. keep up the good fight! The dress. Shiny and slippery fabrics are definitely the hardest fabrics to work with!

  6. Thank you! And yes, they certainly are! Slippery as eels! LOL

  7. Congratulations on completing your project and breezing through your fix! Good for you jumping in with both feet, that's awesome!!


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