
June 16, 2012

Easy McCall's M6074 or My Sewing Machine Is Still Possessed


As you can see I made some changes to the pattern. LOL I left off the little elastic in the front and added lace trim all the way down instead. I think the style and the lace give it a definite 60's feel. What do you think??

I have found that McCall's I should cut a little big and Butterick's I should cut a little small! Do you find that to be true, too???

Also, I cut mine in the length of the blue dress and STILL had to cut a couple of inches off. You can still it is still quite long! LOL

I didn't finish the sleeves or the hem. I like the look when knit rolls a little. ;) Plus my sewing machine was giving me FITS, AGAIN! GRRR!!! At first I tried reasoning with it... That didn't work... So then I tried begging... Nope, that didn't work either. Then I tried down right threatening it. That seemed to work a tad. ;)

Now I need to figure out my next project... I'm thinking green gingham capris for me.... ;) I have some green knit that matches it perfectly so I think I'll make a simple top to go with it. No pattern... I'll just be winging it again!

What are YOU making???

Here are a couple of pics of me messing around with the classic Facebook bathroom shots. LOL

I need to clean that mirror! LOL

That's my "I don't know what the heck I'm doing" look. LOL


  1. The dress is beautiful!! LOL @ the bathroom shots!

  2. LOL! Thanks!!
    I figured why not?? LOL At least I didn't do the Facebook fishface and peace fingers! LOL ;)


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)