
June 12, 2012

McCall's M4769 and Vintage Pattern Finds

Making MUCH better progress on M4769! YAY!! I am hoping to finish it tonight! :) Here's where it stands now!



I can't decide if I want to add the collar or not... I want to know how to so those collars so I may go ahead anyway. If I don't like it I can always take it off!! That's one of the great things about sewing your own clothing! You can MAKE it how you WANT it!!! It's your own creation even if you are using a pattern!

I think the dress is definitely going to have a 1930's/1940's type feel to it. And I now find myself looking at modern patterns and thinking how I might be able to change them here and there to make look more vintage. LOL

Speaking of vintage and patterns... Have you seen this site???? OMGOSH!!! They have TONS of actual vintage patterns, not the re-releases but the actual vintage patterns!!

Mom's Patterns

Here are some of the patterns I am drooling over!!

And here's another AWESOME site full of vintage yumminess!!!

Lanetz Living

And here's a taste of what they have!


Hey, Honey!! I need some money!!! Where's the credit card???? LOL

Then Simplicity has a lot of re-released vintage goodness!!

Soooo, what are YOU working on??


  1. Love the Burda 8072

  2. Isn't is cute??? I really need to have them all.... LOL ;)

  3. I heart retro patterns!

  4. I think your dress is going to be soooo pretty, I love the fabric.. thanks for sharing the
    patterns sight.. Love the New York one..[I have been battling a virus and what do you think
    I did, while sick... hit ebay toooooooo much ..too many vintage patterns on the way to me,lol]
    Sewing is so fun.. So proud you got the machine for your bday.. and Its ok to be hooked on fabric.. I think we all
    Happy sewing.

  5. Oh! I hope you are feeling better!! We've had a nasty virus making the rounds here. :/
    YAY for the vintage patterns!! There's no such thing as too many! That goes for books, fabric and chocolate, too! LOL


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)