
June 13, 2012

Pajama Romper Tutorial

I have having a HECK of a time with the dang McCall's M4769..... SIGH..... All I have left to do is add the lapel, button holes and buttons but I can't figure out how they want me to add the lapel! I have pinned it several different ways and none of them work. :/ Soooo, while I have been trying to work that out I decided to make some PJs for c1, but I didn't want the same ol', same ol' PJs or nightgown. Soooo, I went with a romper! :)

Here's a tutorial to go along with it!

I started with a piece of flannel about 35" long by 43" wide. You will also need a pack of extra wide, double fold bias tape in a coordinating color, ribbon and 5/8" elastic.

Step 1- Find something to use as a guide for the arm hole cuts. I used one of c1's nightgowns. Fold your rectangle into fourths with the selvage hanging over slightly (will be your seam allowance). Place your guide on the fabric as shown and cut your arm holes!

That is what it will look like. ^

Step 2- While still folded into fourths you will measure where the waist should be and where the legs should start. You will cut to make the legs ON THE FOLD.

This is what it will look like folded in half.

Step 3 - At this point you will want to sew around the raw edges of the arm holes and neck line. Flannel is THE WORST at fraying.

Step 4- Pin your side seam, right sides together and sew it up. Cut off the extra.

Step 5- Fold over about 1 1/2 from the top. You are making a casing for elastic so be sure to leave an opening!

Step 6- Measure the front of your child's dress and cut the elastic.

Step 7- Safety pin each end and either hold tightly to both ends or pin one end to the outside. Insert the elastic into the casing.

Step 8- Pull the elastic slightly out of the end of the opening. Sew the elastic into the end of the opening

Step 9- Trim the elastic.

Do that to the back as well.

Here is what you should have so far.

Step 10- Open your bias tape and cut it in half so that you have two 1 1/2 yard pieces. Find the middle, open it up and pin it to the middle of your arm hole. Then sew it up. Do that to both sides leaving the excess hanging off, that will be your tires.

Step 11- Open the ends of the bias tape, fold over and then in half again. Sew up the ends. (I forgot to take a pic of that part.)

This is what you will have so far.

Step 12- Pin and sew up your inseam. Afterward I went back and reinforced the crotch.

Step 13- Sew the raw edges of the legs.

Step 14- Fold up  and pin the bottoms of each leg about 1 1/2 inches and sew an elastic casing. Make sure to leave an opening!

Step 15- Cut two lengths of elastic that will fit comfortably around your child's calves. Safety pin each end and insert.

Step 16- Sew the ends of the elastic together.

Step 17 - Sew the casing opening closed. Do

Do that to both legs.

Now you can stop here if your child prefers loose garments. This is what you will have.

BUT if you would rather make it more fitting, stick around.... LOL

Step 18 - Measure where you need the waist to be and mark it. Start pinning your ribbon around the outside.

Step 19 - Sew the top and bottom of the ribbon making sure to leave an opening to insert elastic.

Step 20- Safety pin both ends of your elastic and insert through the ribbon.

Step 21- Sew the ends of the elastic together.

Step 22- Sew the opening closed.

Step 23- Tuck one end of the ribbon inside the opening, then fold over the end in and tuck it in, too.

Now you're done!! :)

Wish me luck on figuring out McCall's M4769!! I may end up just taking the collar off and finishing it up MY way. LOL


  1. Hi ! What a great tutorial! You did a great job on this project, it even looks like a cute outfit, not just pajamas!

  2. Thank you!!! :) I was thinking I could use other fabrics but the same style. Glad to know someone else thinks so, too! :)

  3. I agree, it looks like a cute outfit- and that is some seriously cute flannel. Thanks for your kind words on my blog, and good luck on the McCall's pattern!

  4. Thank you so much!!! :)
    I think I have found a way around my issues with it. LOL

  5. Great job and very thorough tutorial.

  6. Great work.... loved the pattern and the turtorial


  7. Thank you!! :) It was fun and the cat finally stayed out of the way! LOL

  8. Thank you!! I am definitely going to do that again only with different fabric. LOL

  9. I love that fabric, it's so fun and bright! And the little pink bows at the shoulder are perfect. Thanks so much for linking this awesome tutorial up to The Fun In Functional!

  10. Thank you!! I had lots of fun making it!

  11. That is SO cute! I want to make myself one now :) Just need to hunt out the right fabric so I can wear it all the time! x

  12. LOL!! Thank you!!!!
    And I have a Cailey Hope.... ;)

  13. That's a great tutorial, very thorough! *sniff* My DD is getting too grown up for those, though :(

  14. HUGS!!!!
    I don't know... I remember wearing a PJ romper in high school.... but maybe that was just me.... LOL

  15. So cute! Thanks for linking up to the All star Block Party1

  16. Sew cute!!! ;)
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create!
    <3 Christina

  17. Thank you!!! That's one I am going to have to make again! And again... and again.... ;)

  18. Adorable!
    Thanks for linking up this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  19. This is just too, too cute! Thanks so much for sharing at our Pin'inspiration party and you are a feature this week C:

  20. YAY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!

  21. Trish @ Mom On TimeoutJune 20, 2012 at 2:27 PM

    I love your fabric choice - excellent tutorial too! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  22. Very cute!! I loved rompers when I was younger. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  23. Thank you!!! I am getting ready to share another romper/skort. ;)


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)