
June 27, 2012

What I've Been Up To Lately

If you've been following along you know all about our VBS this week. It's been SOOOOO much fun but also SOOOOO exhausting!! LOL The kids are great though. I am definitely going to do this again next year. One little boy hugged me tonight and said, "Mrs. Stacy, you are my favorite teacher EVER!" It brought tears to my eyes. Sweet little people.

My youngest is in my VBS class, that's the main reason I took the 4s and 5s. He is extremely shy and I knew there was no way he would ever participate otherwise. He surprised us all tonight. He got up in front of all the VBS kids and said his Bible memory verse!! Into the microphone!!! And won a gift certificate to Chick-Fil-A for chicken nuggets! His favorite food! LOL Of course, I had to stand up there with him, but still!! It was so amazing that he got past his fear and did that. I am so proud of my little guy. 

Here are a few pics of what I've been up to. I actually got to starting cutting the fabric for the Retro Butterick '47 today!! YAY!! Hoping to finish the cutting tomorrow and possibly start sewing it on Friday! :) YAY!! I am missing my sewing. ;) It's definitely my therapy. 

Bonnie "helping" me with the cutting.... SIGH......

My pitiful sign outside of my VBS classroom. Hey, I was in a hurry! ;) I looked all over for airplane stickers to put in there and couldn't find them ANY WHERE! 

My classroom door. It looks MUCH better than my pitiful sign. LOL  (This was before my printer went out.)

C2 getting his picture taken at VBS. :)

That is the almost entirely white skunk that keeps coming into our yard. Anyone know how to get rid of those things??? 

Sooooo, what have YOU been doing lately??? Working on any projects?? Leave me a comment and let me know!!


  1. I love VBS.. It is exhausting.. but oh such a blessing.. So proud your youngest is enjoying VBS and so proud of him for saying his memory verse and "oh chicken nuggets, yummy!!"
    Your signs and door looks fantastic..
    Can't believe you found time for sewing [rather cutting out].. You must have some kind of
    Sending prayers for a wonderful VBS, And God's blessings on each of you teachers and children.

  2. Thank you so much!! Bless your heart!!
    No energy.... LOL Just a lot of determination! LOL And I am definitely dragging today!

  3. Cute stuff! I love your craftiness... when I have time, I like to crochet and bake. :) Looking forward to seeing what else you'll be making in the future.

    Following you back from the blog hop.

  4. Thank you!!!!
    I tried crocheting once... I was making a scarf and ended up with a coaster... ;) LOL


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)