
August 10, 2012


There I was......Sitting quietly and contemplating the dress I was about to make for myself... When, BAM!!!!! Inspiration struck again! LOL This time my eyes landed on the pink Hawaiian print cotton gauze that I picked up out of the remnants bin at Hancock's for $2.  That's when it hit me. It would make the cutest caftan for D!!! So I called her downstairs and showed her a sketch of what I had in mind. She seemed to love it! ;) YAY!!!! I got right to work on it!

I had just over 2 yards of the cotton gauze and used almost all of it. I wanted it to be nice and loose just like a caftan ought to be. ;)

So here is what you will need-

2 yards of cotton gauze

2 packages of coordinating bias tape

That's it! That's all you need! ;)

Step 1 -

Remove the cat from the fabric.... It's started already! LOL

Then measure and while folded, cut to the length you want leaving the selvages for the sides. D liked the thought of the fringy selvages being left on. I agreed. It looks cute that way. ;)

Step 2-

While still folded, cut the neck line. I cut this one in a boat neck style.

Step 3-

Remove the cutesy wootsie kitty from the fabric.

Yes, she is new. LOL I found her today at the dump. Someone had dumped HER!!! GRRRRR!!! She is such a sweet little loving thing! I knew we had to bring her home with us. J1 named her Cloud. She does look a little like a cloud leopard.... LOL

Sorry, ANYWAY! ;)

At this point slip the caftan over the head of the intended wearer and mark up the sides with pins.

Step 4 -

Now, open up your bias tape and pin it around the neckline. Sew it in place. DISCLAIMER ;) This is not the "right" way to do bias tape but I find it works just as well and takes A LOT less time! ;)

Step 5-

Here I took a pencil and drew a straight line where I had pinned the sides. Then I just sewed a straight line down, creating the side seams.

Step 6 -

Time to hem!! This hemming is going to be a bit different.... LOL I SHOULD have hemmed it up before I put in the side seams...... But I didn't... Sooooo I had to hem it on the right sides. No big deal but not the way it's "supposed" to be. ;)

Anyway, press, pin and hem!

Step 7 -

Mark where you would like the openings for the ties to be.

Step 8 -

Then I used my buttonhole feature on the sewing machine to make the openings for the ties.

My buttonholer and I are still getting to know one another so that is NOT the neatest buttonhole you will ever see...... LOL  I'm just happy it worked at all! ;)

After you have your buttonhole, use your seam ripper to open it up.

Step 9 -

I took a package of bias tape and measured it around D at an empire waist height. Then I sewed the bias tape together to create a thing tie. :)

Insert it into the openings and you are DONE!!!

I think it would make a nice pool cover-up or even a pretty blouse with some white linen capris. ;)

I hope you like it and give it a try!! :)


  1. Super cute! I love the tropical breezy look!

  2. THANK YOU, Shannon!!! :) It's so light and airy, too. :)

  3. Way cute Stacy! I hope she realizes how lucky she is to have a mom that sews for her. I loved when my mother made me clothes (except for girly stuff with lace). Now she won't do it for me and I barely passed sewing in home ec.

  4. Love it.. soooo cute.. I really like the gauzy fabric.. and the color is beautiful..Great job.
    I just love the way, you think up a garment and cut it out..No pattern ---
    you are impressive.. Happy sewing.

  5. LOL! Thank you, Lori!!
    Right now she seems to be liking it but with teens it's hard to tell..... LOL ;)

  6. AWW!!! Thank you SOOOOO much, Judy!! You are tooooo kind!!!! :)

  7. That was when I really began to beg my mother for homemade shirts....around the 9th grade. I have big shoulders, and thicker arms from working out, but was skinny and nothing I bought was comfortable, except t-shirts. So I was thankful she made me some nice dress up I didn't look like such a schmuck.

  8. Aw! I am so glad that she did!!!!
    So far her favorite thing is the drawstring backpack that I made for her. LOL But she says she's wearing the caftan to the mall tomorrow! :)

  9. oooooooooo sweet! score big 1 for mom there. way to go tiger, ;)

  10. ROFLOL!! Yep!!!! And I will definitely take it when I can get it!!! ;)

  11. This is so perfect over a bathing suit. Your kitty is so lucky you found her! She is so cute.

  12. Thank you VERY much, Justine!!

    I am sooooo glad we were there to grab her up. Poor little thing. She is so loving and sweet!!

  13. Love the fabric and your easy caftan design, Stacy! Nice buttonhole work, too.

  14. THANK YOU SO MUCH, Joanne!!! :) I am so glad that you like it!

  15. I have nominated you for a Sunshine Award! If anyone deserves it, it is you! I just love to read your posts. They always bring a smile to my face. So thank you!

    So, Here are the rules:

    1. If you are nominated, you must blog a post linking back to the person/blog that nominated you.

    2. You must answer some questions, nominate ten fellow bloggers and link their blogs to the post!

    3. You should comment on your nominees’ blogs to let them know you’ve nominated them.

    So, here are the questions:

    1. Who is your favorite philosopher?

    2. What is your favorite number?

    3. What is your favorite animal?

    4. What are your Facebook and Twitter URLs?

    5. What is your favorite time of the day?

    6. What was your favorite vacation?

    7. What is your favorite physical activity?

    8. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?

    9. What is your favorite flower?

    10. What is your passion?

    My ’10′ Blogger Nominees

  16. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH, Lori!!! You are AWESOME!!!!!! :) I am so honored!!!!!

  17. These pictures could be from my house...with the cutely wootsy kitty all over the cutting table. My son thought it was funny when he looked over my shoulder and saw your post. Just like here, mom!

  18. ROFLOL!!!! So glad it's not just me!!! LOL Rotten little cuties! LOL

  19. I love the finished product, but I also especially love your dsclaimers on the things that you do "wrong". You made me smile today, which was a tough order. Thanks :)

  20. HUGS, Stacie!!!!!!! So glad I could make you smile!!!
    <3 <3!!!!

  21. Beautiful Stacy!!! You did such a great job!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  22. Love this tutorial! Found you on the NY Melrose family Link party! I will have to make one of these soon. Janelle

  23. Super cute! and so is the kitty - bless you for saving her.

    Thanks for popping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! Have a wonderful week xox

  24. Another great project, Stacy. Thanks for sharing it at the All Star Block Party

  25. Thank you so much, Anne!
    And thank you for returning the visit! :)

  26. Looks great! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!

  27. That is such a lovely caftan. I am going to try to make one for my daughter. Thanks!

  28. Thank you so much!!!!!
    Good luck and let me know how it turns out!! :)

  29. Love it!, I think you've earned yourself a feature, yippee! thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  30. YAY!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! :))

  31. Hello happy Sunday Morning found you just now love the caftan idea and thanx for the tute hope tht i can find your star block party in-too learning the easiest one how nice too meet ya renee

  32. Hi, Renee!!!!! Welcome!!!
    Thank you so much!!

  33. Nice tute. I wanted to make something like this. Can you please share a picture with the top being worn , or is there one already somewhere and I missed it ?
    Following your blog on blogloving.
    Nice to meet you.Hopping from the Fun Friday blog hop. Nice to have you join back on my blog.

  34. Thank you!
    There is not a picture of her wearing it, unfortunately. I tried to get her to let me take one but she refused. LOL Unlike my youngest daughter, she is very camera shy.
    Off to visit you and follow back! :)

  35. Thank you! Just what I've been looking for. By the way - my cat loves to jump on my material and patterns when sewing too and you are so wonderful for saving that gorgeous little creature! :-)

  36. stacysewsandschoolsOctober 9, 2012 at 3:17 AM

    Thank you and thank you, Marie!!!!
    So glad that you like the tutorial!! :)

  37. […] 5 - Cool Cotton Caftan – August 10, 2012 – 2,698 views […]

  38. Kitty swarms! ...I know how that goes :-) they're helping.
    P.s. it looks nice!


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