
August 17, 2012

Fabric Buying FRENZY!

I went on a major fabric buying frenzy today!!! My goodness!! I found some GREAT deals and some GREAT remnants. I ended up going to Joann's AND Hancock's! LOL I also picked up 6 new patterns!!! YIPPEEE!!!

Here are some of the fabrics I picked up. I can't show you all of them because I have a couple of surprises planned for friends and they would figure it out just by the fabrics I bought. LOL

But here are the ones I CAN show you. ;)

The zebra print is actually a dark purple.

Isn't that Day of the Dead fabric cute???? LOL

And the one beside I LOOOOVE. Not sure what I am going to do with it but I got 2 yards! LOL

More cute owls, too!

The top middle is actually a pale yellow... I need to play with the setting on my phone. Not sure why it makes the colors all weird.

I plan on using the baseball and the weird bug stuff for the Bags of Hope and Love.

The monkey fabric is knit!! That's going to be fun!!!

Here are the patterns I bought -

Simplicity 2154

Simplicity 1942

Simplicity 2947

Simplicity 3588

Simplicity 1925

Simplicity 4647

As you can tell, Joann's had the Simplicity patterns on sale 5/$5. LOL And if I had had more time I would have gotten more. I can tell you that is the LAST time I take J1 with me. LOL That boy nearly drove me batty while I was trying to shop!

I think I might actually have enough fabric to keep me busy for a little while. I am so proud! I have a fabric stash! LOL

OHHHH!!!! Did you see???? I was FEATURED today!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!!! Danielle (SUCH a sweetie!!!!) over at Blissful and Domestic  featured 10 different fabric products today and my High Low Dress was one of them!!!! YIPPPPEEEE!!! THANK YOU, Danielle!!!!!  You should go check out her blog and leave her some lovely comments!!!!

I will be back hard at work tomorrow on a new tutorial. ;)  See you then!


  1. I'm going to start sending you money and letting you do my fabric shopping for me. You find much better deals than I do and I hardly ever find really cute remnants.
    Congrats on being featured again!!!

  2. Thank you, Lambie!!!!! :)

    I was very lucky today! LOL The last time I went I was a little disappointed. But I think today made up for it! LOL

  3. Stacy, oh what fun.. I love all the fabrics and patterns you got.. What a fun day..
    I got a notice about the simplicity pattern sale...but this ole asthma is still hanging on...
    so I sit in the doctors office instead.. [Would rather have been fabric/pattern

    oh what cute fabrics..I can't wait to see what you do with all it..I love the cute.. and the monkeys and just all of it.

    So proud you had fun.. You know....................this is contagious.haha enjoy.

  4. LOL!! Thank you!!

    More HUGS to you!!! Asthma is awful!!!! Mine has been worse this year due to all the pollen! BLECK!!!! I hope you feel better soon!!!!!!!

  5. I love the Disney pattern, so pretty!

  6. Congratulations on the feature, Stacy. I'll pop over and check it out. But had to say that I loved the fabric. The owls and monkey's were my favorite. Reminds me of my grandma and daughter!

  7. THANK YOU, Lori!!!!! :)

    I LOOOVE owls and my kids always remind me of monkeys..... LOL ;)

  8. I love the day of the dead fabric!!! Keep up the great work! <3


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)