
October 27, 2012

Fall Festival, Frankenstorm and Farewell

We headed out to the Frog Level Fall Festival this morning. This was our third time. I LOVE the Frog Level community! I made sure to buy a t-shirt this year. Last year it was cold and rainy so I bought a sweatshirt.... LOL I am really going to miss it here. This was the first place that I truly felt at home since I left West Virginia 20 years ago. Pray that I can find a "home feeling" in Georgia.

Cailey rode a pony but Colin said they were too stinky. LOL  And of course we had to get candy apples and cotton candy!

Well, I guess everyone has heard about the Frankenstorm that's approaching. It couldn't have waited until AFTER we moved??? LOL But I can't complain... At least it will be out of the way for Halloween and Moving Day!!!!

We went out last night and stocked up on canned food and drinks. We have plenty of batteries and flash lights. We might could use some more candles, though..... I am charging all the electronics!! And I need to find our corded phone. The last time I saw it Colin was playing with it. LOL We lost power during Irene and from what I understand, this has the potential to be a lot worse.

We have cards and board games to play with the kids. I also have a Nook and about 1,000 paper books to read! LOL

OH!! I need to remember to fill the tubs, sinks and washer with water! We have a well so if the power goes, so does our ability to flush!!!!!!

Please, pray that we don't get flooded like we did last time. We lost A LOT of books and toys when Irene and then Lee came through. It worries me..... We were bailing out the sunroom while the storms were raging. NOT FUN!!!!!!

I went on my last drop off for the Concord Bags of Hope and Love.  We took 11 bags!!!! YIPPPPEEE!! There were only 3 left in the office. It was a little sad, though. My last time doing it here.... But I am looking ahead! It will be great to get another one started in Georgia! Spread the Hope and Love!!!!!

I am still slaving away on Cailey's costume... BUT.... I forgot to take pictures. I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry!!!!!! I will have to come up with another tutorial for you.... :( I need to get this costume DONE!!!! LOL I have just had sooooo much going on that it's taking me forever to get anything accomplished!!

My blog views have been VERRRRRY low the past week... Not sure what is going on. Is it because it has been a long time since my last tutorial??? Or is Wordpress acting up?? My numbers haven't been this bad since the first week of the blog! LOL


  1. Hi Stacy :) I always am excited when I receive your emails. Forgive me for not always taking the time to go to your blog, sometimes I just naturally respond to the email. Don't sweat the small stuff, God has already prepared everything for you in GA and has taken care of everything here. I will continue to pray for you. Thank you for sharing your creativity with sewing. Your friend, Lola

  2. Thank you SO much, Lola!!!!!
    And thank you so much for taking the time to comment!! It helps so much to know that people really do enjoy reading my posts!!!! :)

  3. I can't wait to see the costume. We're praying for you all in light of the storm.

  4. Thank you!!! Are you going to get anything out of it???

  5. Stacy, sending prayers that you all will be safe through the storm.. They are talking like, it is going to be rough..Will worry about you, until I hear your safe, and it's over.
    Also, praying for your move to GA.. It is so difficult to start over in a strange place, am praying that God will send you to a great church, that will take you in and love you , just like this one.. Sending hugs from MS..

  6. THANK YOU, Judy!!!!!!! Keep those prayers coming!
    I will keep posting on FB as long as the power holds up. LOL After that as long as my cell holds out....

  7. Still here Stacy. Lots going on everywhere, I guess. Always read, but haven't been very polite, sometimes just read and run without saying hello. Praying for you and some of my family in Virginia to come thru this storm. May the Savior hide you in the feathers of His wings until the storm passes. Still praying for your Georgia move. Take care and God bless.

  8. Thank you, Regena!!!! I'll be keeping your family in my prayers, too!!!!!
    Praying that this will end up being a whole lot of nothing!!!!

  9. I don't know how you have time for ANYTHING while getting ready to move, let alone blogging. You're amazaing! :)

  10. LOL!!! Thank you, Kerri!!!!!
    Blogging keeps me sane in the middle of the chaos!!! ;)

  11. Mine have been low as well the past few weeks Stacy and I haven't missed a day. I have also found that I am not getting notices on responses. Must be a glitch somewhere. Stay safe and dry. You know, P wasn't as big a fan of riding as J. I know it's not a "girl" I feel more like P. ;)

  12. I was hoping it was a glitch! LOL It's just been awful!!!

    Yeah, I am another one that is not that fond of horses. I had 2 really BAD experiences and that was enough for me! LOL

  13. I hope the storm doesn't affect you too badly! We've been fortunate, it's been drizzling and windy. But, I guess the closer you get to the coast, the worse it was. Thank goodness you flood-proofed your sunroom, I hate to see you lose stuff again!

  14. Thank you!!!! Keep your fingers crossed!!! I *think* the stuff will be ok but.... last time I thought so, too. LOL


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)