
January 3, 2013

Our Visit With Jacob

Jacob 102

Jacob 108

Jacob 118

Jacob 133

We had a WONDERFUL visit that was over way to soon for me. But then, any visit with him would be over too soon. Thankfully we might be able to spend a whole week with him in February! YAY!!! Keep your fingers crossed that it all works out!!!!!


  1. Stacy,
    I am so happy that you and family had such a wonderful visit with Jacob. KNow you enjoyed it so much.. Fun them.
    I am praying right now , for the week visit in Feburary. I know it is so hard for you, the move, the not having Jacob with you.. I am praying for strength for you too.. hugs,

  2. Thank you so VERY VERY much, Judy!! I need all the prayers that I can get.

  3. Thanks for sharing your visit. So happy you had this time. He looks well. I know you are missing him, however; they will grow up and go their own way. Will be praying for God;s grace, blessings and that week in Feb.

  4. Memories will make each visit all that more special!!
    They grow up to fast , well until they hit Teenage status, then it seems to slow to a crawl!!!!!
    I am glad he made it down there, Feb. will be here very soon!!

  5. THANK YOU, Regena!!!!! :)

    We had such a great time. So thankful for it.

  6. Thanks, Patches!!!! Living for Feb!! LOL

  7. Looks like everyone was having a great time! I hope you get to see him again in February!!


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