
January 11, 2013

Secret Subject Swap January Take 2

Welcome to a Secret Subject Swap. 17 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts.

Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts. Sit back, grab a cup, and check them all out. See you there:

BakingInATornado -  The Mastermind!!!

Menopausal Mother

Life on the Sonny Side

Suburbia Interrupted

Big A and Little a

IBD Daddy and Me

Stacy Sews and Schools - ME!!

Three Monkeys and a Martini

The Sadder But Wiser Girl

Something Clever 2.0

The Mommy Ref 

Rushing for Bagels 

Go Cheap or Go Home

Rebekaches and Other Likely Symptoms

Moore Organized Mayhem

Slacker Mom of 4

Mommy Unmuted

My subject is - Tell us about you and your husband's love story.  It was submitted by: http://rushingforbagels.blogspot.comy

This is a very timely topic for me. The Hubby and I just celebrated our 20th anniversary. Not that we actually got to do anything or go anywhere.... You see, our anniversary is December 30th...... 5 days after Christmas.... Yeah, we are ALWAYS broke by then! LOL

I decided that instead of telling you our story I would tell you about the day we got married. It was definitely... ummmm... unforgettable.... LOL

We had been planning a big wedding with all the trimmings but
the warring factions  ummmm, other family members, were giving us some major stress. SOOOO we decided to elope. Easy peasy, right?? Well, I still wanted to get married in church so we contacted the preacher to see if he would just let us show up and get married. He was delighted so that is what we did. I had a pretty dress that my mom had given me and The Hubby had a nice sweater that my mom had given him. Perfect. Time to get married.

We go to the church with 2 of The Hubby's friends as witnesses. We get there and are ushered into the preacher's office where we begin the formalities, do you have the license, ID, etc.... Then off to the sanctuary to be married!

And that is where it started........

The preacher continually calls The Hubby by the wrong name. He also seems to have trouble holding onto the Bible and drops it on The Hubby's feet several times.

Meanwhile, I am a blubbering idiot that forgot to wear waterproof mascara... Yeah, it wasn't pretty! Thankfully the preacher gave me his handkerchief (which I still have).


Now, off to the preacher's office to sign the marriage certificate.... if the preacher can find a pen that works.... and if he doesn't fall trying to sit down in his chair ..... and if he can get the seal thingy to work properly.....

But it all worked out in the end and we were properly married without
the warring factions, ummmmm stressful relatives.....

I won't say that 20 years have been easy, both The Hubby and I are stubborn people.  Every little issue will pass, you just have to stick it out. Don't argue about money, life is too short and money comes and goes. Check your ego and pride at the door, not every little thing is about you. Basically, treat your spouse in the manner you wish to be treated even when angry. Never say anything hurtful because the anger will leave but the words will still echo.

PLEASE go visit all the other lovely bloggers!! I promise you won't be sorry! ;)


  1. That was the perfect prompt for you to get right around the time of your anniversary. I'm not sure it was funny at the time, but what a cute story 20 years later. I love how you ended with advice. Great post, Stacy.

  2. Happy Anniversary! What an enormous accomplishment! Thanks for sharing the story of your special day ;) Wonderful advice too!

  3. THANK YOU, Jen!!!!!!!
    This topic hit at just the right time!!! LOL

  4. Congrats on your wedding anniversary! Thank goodness all the mishaps were not bad omens---that speaks volumes about your wonderful marriage. Love the sage advice at the end--- a lot of people need to heed this advice! Nice job!

    I almost didn't add the stuff at the end but I thought why not! It might actually help someone! :)

  6. Hooray! That's an amazing milestone! And, you were smart. Ditching the big to do and skipping out on all the "help" that the families offer during this time that's supposed to be about you two. What a nightmare! My husband had to step in with his mother because she was making me mental about the wedding!

  7. happy anniversary!!! What a cute and funny story! Wonder what happened to the preacher!!

  8. LOL!!!! Yeah, sometimes I think it would have been nice but then I remember all the headaches... LOL

  9. Thanks!!!
    I wish I knew! I remember my grandmother being very pleased because she thought he might have been a distant relative... LOL

  10. Such sage advice for a healthy marriage.
    We went from a Four Seasons Garden Wedding to eloping to the Courthouse for the same reason. ;) When it's ment to be a new dress, a new sweater and a preacher with a case of the oopsies is all it takes to live happily ever after. Happy 20th Anniversary!!

  11. ooohh.....anger will leave but words will still echo......powerful and so true. Twenty years is amazing.

  12. Beautiful and entertaining story, sage advice, and clearly a timely prompt.
    Thank you so much for sharing it.

  13. Great story! Wonderful people and a solid marriage! Congratulations, sweetie.

  14. Happy Anniversary and wishing you many more years of happiness. You give great advice at the end of your story. Friendship and mutual respect is key to happiness.

  15. Great post and a very big Happy Anniversary to you and your man. Your blog always makes me smile. I love that you focused on your marriage more than the ceremony itself. I did the exact same thing and have never regretted it :)


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)