
January 26, 2013

Winter Blogathon 2013

Biannual Blogathon Bash

Want to be a better blogger? Want to learn some things you may not know? Then this challenge is for YOU! ;)

I am a day late in posting about this BUT that's OK! It lasts 72 hours but really only asks that you devote at least 24 hours to it.

There are mini challenges to complete and prizes you can sign up to win!

Check it all out here - Biannual Blogathon Blast 

A lot of the mini challenges are things that I have already done/do but that's OK! There are a few that I still need to work on or get better at.  There's ALWAYS room for improvement!!!

Here are a few of the mini challenges that I am interested in -

Optimizing Photos for SEO @ Going Crazy!! Wanna Go??

How to Back Up Your Blog @ Geek With Style

Google+ (Google Plus) Guide for Bloggers @ Biannual Blogathon Bash - I am "on" Google+ but I very rarely use it.

Blogger’s Guide to LinkedIn @ Biannual Blogathon Bash

Cleaning Up Your Back End @ Makobi Scribe

For the full list make sure you click - Biannual Blogathon Blast 

Don't blog yet but you've been considering it? Check it all out and get a head start!

I hope you join in and have fun!


  1. I just linked up with this! Thanks for posting! I'm hoping to learn a lot! :))

  2. I've been considering a blog, so I will be sure to check this out! Thanks, Stacy!

  3. You are very welcome!
    I learned how to back up my blog today! YAY!!! LOL

  4. OH!! YAY, Pam!!! I think you should!!!!!


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)