
March 20, 2013

Liam's Leggings and Bandanna Bib

I promised pictures of my little cousin Liam in the clothes that I made, there he is in his leggings and bandanna bib that I made for him!!!! Isn't he an absolute DOLL?????  If you want to more pictures of Liam the cutie patootie, just go to Rivas & Co.

I am still feeling a bit BLAH. This fibro flare up has dug in and won't let go. Pray for me, please! We have Birthdays and travelling coming up and I need to be feeling better!!

Tomorrow I will be posting a new unit study and on Friday it will be time for a new Fly on the Wall!!! YAY!!!!

After all of that I am hoping to get my art inspired dress done in time for the linky party over at Project Run & Play. So far my machine isn't playing well with others. GRRR!! My stitches are all off again. I think I need The Hubby to take it apart. The last time this happened something had broken loose inside. :/ I have had to rip out some stitches in the bodice twice already!!!


  1. Liam looks so cute! I wasn't sure I liked the leggings and bib until I saw them on him! I thought they would look a bit feminine on a boy, but with the hat and that 'manly' look they are great. Sometimes you amaze me with your creativity!

  2. Thank you, Pam!!!
    I can't take credit, though. ;) The ideas for the leggings and bib were from my cousin Sandra. I just did what she asked me to do. ;)

  3. So adorable..both leggins and model.. Great job Stacy.. Hope your feeling better.

  4. OMG, Liam is a little doll! I can't believe you're still not well. Feel better soon!

  5. Liam is adorable!!! HUGS for the fibro pain!

  6. Hugs for the leggings, Liam and you. You did a fantastic job on the leggings. Praying for healing for you..

  7. I LOVE this!! I actually just started adding cute shaped patched to my boys knees - but your material is fantastic! So glad I stopped by.

  8. […] last year at Hancock’s. The sleeves are the left overs from the Reverse Applique Leggings and Bandanna Bib I made for my little cousin Liam. I got that print from Joann’s.  A word of warning, when […]


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