
June 19, 2013

Upcoming Projects

Seems Legit

I have quite a few things in the works! I am soooo excited!!!

One - I will be making something very special for a very special friend of mine. That's all I'm saying right now. ;)

Two - I will be attempting to make a headboard out of a door. I know you all have seen them on Pinterest! We gave the girls our old bed frame and no we are on nothing but rails!!!

Three - I will be repainting the chest of drawers that I painted less than a year ago! LOL It no longer matches.

Four - I will be painting and updating an old cedar chest that was given to Colin for a toy box.

I LOVE painting and it's been entirely too long since I've done any!!!

OH!! And I have been SUCH a slacker lately!! I still have to finish the last set of sewing for Sewing to Rebuild! I want to mail all of them out at the end of the week!

AND I still need to sew a couple of things for Colin. He's been feeling a little left out. Poor fella.

I will be doing tutorials for the all the painting projects. Well, if they turn out.... LOL No matter what, I will still show you all the results! LOL I just hope they are GOOD! ;)

We will also be having TONS of company in the next few weeks!! BUSY BUSY BUSY!! My goodness! :)


  1. You are such a busy lady! Have fun with all of your projects! ((( Hugs)))

  2. you have WAY too much energy. You put me to shame!

  3. LOL! I WISH!!!!! I haven't actually done any of it yet,,, ;)

  4. I commented and it disappeared. GRR! LOL! Me & the computer... Anyway, you sound like you're a busy little bee! Can't wait to see the finished products! I know they'll be adorable!

  5. Thank you SO much, Heather!!!! You are always such a sweetheart.

  6. You have some great ideas there.. sounds fun, I like to paint too. Can't wait to see
    everything.. Have fun...

  7. Thanks, Judy!!!
    I am hoping to get started on the headboard today! :)

  8. Thanks!!
    I started painting the headboard today! I have high hopes! LOL

  9. Sounds like you have some late nights ahead...well worth it!

  10. Definitely!! LOL
    Almost done with the headboard, though! 1 down 1,000 to go! ;)


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)