
August 13, 2013

No Sew Notebook Cover

no sew notebook cover

More crafting for the new school year!

We had a couple of old composition books around that the kids didn't use last year. I had an idea to pretty them up a little bit.

What I used :

Scrap fabric


Glue gun

I made a few mistakes here and there but I will tell you alllll about them in the steps! LOL

STEP 1 -

no sew notebook cover 001

Put your notebook on top of the fabric with the bottom of the notebook hanging over about 1/2". Leaving 2" on both sides of the notebook, cut around.

STEP 2 - 

no sew notebook cover 006

Cut 2 pieces of ribbon 2" past the edges of the notebook.

STEP 3 -

no sew notebook cover 008

Cut a piece of ribbon about 4" longer than the notebook (this will be the place mark).

STEP 4 -

no sew notebook cover 010

While your notebook is closed*, put some hot glue on the binding and attach the place mark.

*I had it open.

STEP 5 - 

no sew notebook cover 013

With your notebook closed*, add hot glue to the spin, center your fabric and attach it.

STEP 6 -

no sew notebook cover 014

Add hot glue around the edges of one side and wrap the fabric around. Do that to both sides.

(You should have some room at the top and bottom where the cover is longer than the fabric.)

STEP 7 -

no sew notebook cover 015

Open the notebook, hot glue the edges of the fabric and stick it to the inside.

STEP 8 -

no sew notebook cover 016

Close the notebook, add hot glue to the top edges and place your ribbon on top. *Do NOT mash the ribbon down. I think that's why mine looks wrinkly.

Do the same to the bottom edges.

Open the notebook back up and glue the edges of the ribbon to the inside.


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I made this one for Cailey because she LOOOOVES SpongeBob!!!

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And I made this one for me! ;)

I am going to try my hand at adding the fabric to spiral bound notebooks. I'll let you know how that goes. ;)



  1. I love them! I imagine you could use plain old Elmer's glue if necessary. As long as it isn't going to get wet.

    For the spiral notebooks, you'd have to either cover front and back separate, or allow more room for the spiral...maybe. You'll have to let us know how they turn out!

    Ooh! I just came up with a great idea! My kids are using binders this year... gotta see what kind of fabric I have!

  2. Yep! The Elmer's Glue would probably work just fine.

    I covered Joshua's spiral notebook planner and it looks GREAT!! I need to post a pic of it. Maybe when I do the crate covers... ;)

    YAY!! Let me know how the binder do! I'm thinking about doing one of Cailey's! LOL

  3. […] is the no sew cover tutorial that I did a few days […]


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