
August 1, 2013

Taking Requests

Since I have been posting units WAY ahead of when we will actually use them and since I had a friend request a theme yesterday, I thought that I would put the request out there! Do you have a theme or unit that you would like some help with??? I am ready to help you out to the best of my ability! Need some notebooking pages? I can make them (I'm getting MUCH better, I promise).

So, what do you need??? Just comment or use the Contact Me button and shoot me an email!

I am always more than happy to help someone out in whatever way I can.

Have any homeschooling questions? Ask me! If I don't know the answer, I'll try to find it! ;)

Here are some units that I am working on now -

Simple Machines (tomorrow)

Fireflies (day after tomorrow)


Native Americans

I've also been thinking about put up a syllabus of sorts for some of the older kids' courses this year. Both Deanna and Joshua want to take History of Science. Yep, I'll be making that one up. LOL I've already started a list. Mostly we will be focusing on the scientists from different time periods and their contributions.

Joshua wants to do military history, another off one. ;) I'll be working on that as well. He has done some military history in the past but..... Well, some of the kids slacked a bit last year. I don't blame them. It was definitely a crazy year! But that means that they will be carrying some classes over. No biggie.

I am definitely more of a laid back homeschooler.  I am not what you might call an unschooler, but I am fairly close. ;)

I am NOT a lover of text books... My kids do use them to some extent, mostly for math. I like to do research and I like for them to go deeper into subjects than text books usually go. So, that is why I make most of my own stuff. We use a lot of notebooking, sometimes made by me, and lapbooks, sometimes made by me.

So, any requests??? Any questions???

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