
January 24, 2014

Fly on the Wall - January 2014


Welcome to a Fly on the Wall group post. Today 15 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house.
 Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:                          Baking In A Tornado                                  The Rowdy Baker                          Just A Little Nutty                                       The Momisodes                           Spatulas on Parade                                   The Sadder But Wiser Girl                          Follow me home . . .                  Stacy Sews and Schools                           Searching for Sanity                       The Lazy Mom’s Cooking Blog                             Menopausal Mother                       Victory Rose                                  Pink Heart String                                 Spinster Snacks


Deanna - We need to start our own store called “Burnett Sized - When Family Size Just Isn’t Big Enough”.


Colin - This family is full of crazies!!!


Joshua - I hate Thorsdays, they are so unLoki.


Joshua - It’s a sad day when you type Leonardo in the search box and DiCaprio comes up before da Vinci.


Never NEVER NNNNNNEEEEEVVVVEEEERRRR bring up the country of Djibouti around your kids… You will never hear the end of booty jokes.

Colin - I bet the grass in brown in Djibouti.

Joshua - I bet it stinks in Djibouti.

Deanna - Dang! I didn’t know Djibouti was so big.

And on and on and on and on……..

And let me apologize to the people of Djibouti on behalf of my heathen children.


Deanna - Why does everyone think Joshua is funnier than me???

Me - You’re a different kind of funny.

Deanna - And what do you mean by that?????

phone rings

Me to The Hubby - Deanna wants to know why everyone thinks Joshua is funnier than she is.

Yes, that’s what I said.

Deanna - Wait!! Tell me he didn’t say the same thing!!! What do you mean by different?????


Jacob (in his best Arhnahld impression) - Hi. I ahm Deaaanna Da Brows. Muh eyebrows will beat you into submission.


Cailey thinks that cat burglars steal cats. Cailey - What if a cat burglar comes  and tries to steal Derpy???


Apparently we have a clepto cat. Derpy keeps stealing things dragging them under the girls’ bed. Deanna was seriously upset to find a pair of Joshua’s underwear. Although, Derpy did leave a present of pipe cleaners and crayons in Cailey’s shoe.


Cailey bumping into Deanna - Sorry, I hope I didn’t hurt your internal orgals.

(no, that isn’t supposed to be organs ;) )


Jacob just started a new job at the same place The Hubby works. He comes home and says this - I found my toe twin today. You know how I dropped that wood on my toe the other day? So did so and so. He took his shoe off and his toe looks just like mine!


Whenever that stupid Miley song comes on Cailey changes the words, like so:

I came in like a

tennis ball

soccer ball


It drives Deanna crazy.


At the Christmas party for The Hubby’s work, the owner mentioned a special kind of Christmas bonus this year. Every employee got $50 to give to another employee. They were to go to the office and put down which person they wanted their $50 to go to.

The Hubby gets in the van and says, “I know I’m getting $50 from 3 people.” He then names them. I asked if he gave his to Jacob. “No! I didn’t even think about that!!” Good grief!!!!


Deanna, Cailey and I were discussing doll clothes and what they were made of. We mention polyester and taffeta.

Jacob - I thought that was old people pudding.

Me - What?

Jacob - That taffeta word.

Me and Deanna - You mean tapioca!


Christmas Day and I am playing Battleship with Colin.

Me - I, 1

Colin - You did????


Joshua - Do you know the actress So and So?

Me - No, I don’t think so.

Joshua - She was in such and such.

Me - Oh, yeah!

Joshua - She is also on the show XXXXXXXX.

The Hubby - Yeah, but she dies.

Joshua - Gee, thanks.

The Hubby - Oh, are you starting back at season 1?

Joshua - I’m not so sure now…..


Colin, with tape on his nose - Do I need Proactiv?


Wheel of Fortune is on the TV with a split screen. Vanna and the letter board are on the bottom and the contestants are on the top. Colin - Are those people really big or is that lady really small?


So, there you have it, folks! The crazy things that have been heard around our house!!!

Don't forget to check out the amazing bloggers that are taking part in Fly this month!!!


  1. I adore your family. We are gonna have to meet up soon!

  2. This is so funny! I love that Cailey changes the words to Miley's song--I need to try that on my own kids!

  3. Love your family, you guys are all kinds of funny. A cat burglar who's a cat burglar. You can't make this stuff up!

  4. Thank you SO much!!!

    We, ummm... moved... again....

    SIGH... We are now in Middle TN instead of Knoxville. WAH!!!

  5. Stacy, are you sure Derby is a cat? Sounds more like a ferret to me :)
    I'm still trying to wrap my head around that Christmas bonus idea. Doesn't sound fair - like a popularity contest. Maybe if you got $50 and got to give AWAY $50 so everyone would end up with something? Too weird.
    Your kids are such a kick. You must document stuff every day. I wait 'til 2 days before Fly is due and then think "Oh, crap. What can I tell them about?"
    As always, I loved your post!

  6. LOL! Yes, Derpy is definitely weird, even for a cat! LOL

    There were tons of people that weren't happy over that bonus deal. We were OK with it, though. ;)

    Sometimes I am on top of things and remember to write it all down. Then I lose the list... Sometimes I remember to put it in my phone or Google Docs. THEN I'm doing OK! LOL

    THANK YOU!!!!

  7. LOL! I got it! I have those kind of fingers, too. ;)

  8. Stacy, your family is so fun. I will have to remember to not let my husband in on the Dijibouti unit. He would have a field day with that!
    Our puppy steals things too. Instead of blaming each other now, we just look under my bed. The missing things are usually there, chewed into a million pieces!

  9. SIGH... We are STILL hearing Djibouti comments. It just will NOT die!!!!

    YILES!! At least Derpy doesn't chew things up. We just have to remember where to look for them! And to dump our shoes! LOL

  10. I love you and your "heathen children".
    Awesome post!!
    It is a sad day when DiCaprio comes up before da Vinci.

  11. Thank you SO MUCH!!!!

    We had another Google incident the other day but I can't for the life of me remember what it was! LOL

  12. Thank you for the laughs. I especially giggled at the battleship pun. It's the simple things...

  13. Love me some tapioca. Totally not old people food!

  14. LOL!!!! I have to say that I am not a fan of it. ;)

  15. Lots to smile about here, I especially adore the Thor and Loki quote!

  16. Thanks!!!! :D
    I have to say, that was one of his better ones.... LOL

  17. I, 1 - hope you didn't confuse him any more by saying U, 2 on your next move? ;-)


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)