
November 2, 2014

Our Week in Review - Halloween Week 2014

WOW! It has been a very long week!!! Let's recap.

Saturday the 25th we went to the Frog Level Fall Festival and had a BLAST! This was one of things I missed so much when we moved away. 

The kids had their faces painted, rode the horses, jumped in the bouncy house, met some farm animals, watched a parade, ate a lot of fair foods and just had a really great time. 

The Hubby had me grab him some of the famous Brunswick stew from the volunteer fire department. He's set for a little while. ;)

The past few weeks have not been very good for me health wise. I have been battling a horrible toothache and infection. I finally went to be seen and get some antibiotics. Unfortunately I had a bad reaction to them and ended up in the ER. For a few days I did nothing but lie around and try to get better. That worked until Halloween. LOL Now I find myself taking a few steps backwards as far as getting better goes. So, with all that said, I may not have much in the way of blogging for next week. I have no projects and nothing put together as far as a new homeschool theme goes. SO SO SORRY!! I may try to cobble together a couple of round ups just to give you something to look at. ;)

Anyway, back to our week.....

We picked up a few more pumpkins and let Cailey, Colin and Deanna decorate them. 

Colin's are the bat and skeleton. Cailey's are the cat and pirate. Deanna did the raven. 

I tried to do some reading while waiting on cupcakes to cool.... Cloud had other plans.

Speaking of reading.... I am SO FAR behind on my challenges for the year! I started off with a bang! Sadly, life happened and my reading has fallen by the wayside. :/ I guess it doesn't help that several of the titles were more than 1,000 pages! LOL That's not good for a total count!!!

Those are the treats that I made last week.

The spider cupcakes were from a kit that I picked up at Michael's.

The witch fingers and pumpkins were from candy melts and molds. 

And we went out for trick or treat, of course!!!

I bought a TON of candy to hand out but we only gave away about 1/2 of it. :( 

The kids managed to nearly fill their bags!!! I wonder how long it will take for all the candy to disappear?? 

                      HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!


  1. Stacy, I'm so sorry you were sick! I hope you're recovered <3
    The face painting is incredible! It looks like your kids had a great time.
    I swear, you need to publish a book of places around your house that your kitty sits :)

    1. OH! That would be an easy book to put together! ROFLOL!!!

      Thanks!!! I am still going through it all. I have to see an oral surgeon next week. SIGH....


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