
November 14, 2014

Use Your Words - November 2014


Today’s post is a writing challenge. This is how it works: participating bloggers picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That’s the challenge, here’s a fun twist; no one who’s participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.

At the end of this post you’ll find links to the other blogs featuring this challenge. Check them all out, see what words they got and how they used them.

My words are:

wall ~ yard ~ coffee ~ cable car ~ recycling

They were submitted by: Eileen's Perpetually Busy

Gee, thanks, Eileen! Couldn't make them easy could you?? Just Kidding!!! Eileen knows I love her. She's my BFF! 

I decided to go with another free association, they seem to work well for me. 

WALL - Ok.. Can someone please tell me why landlords insist upon painting all the walls with FLAT PAINT??? OMG! I swear it's the bane of my existence! With 5 kids, no matter that 3 are grown or nearly so, they are IMPOSSIBLE to keep clean! It doesn't matter how often you wash them down, they are always dirty! Seriously, landlords, you would do better to use eggshell! You wouldn't have to paint between each renter! If I thought we would be in this house more than a year I would so repaint, deposit be damned!!!! 

YARD - I love our yard. Well, mostly. The backyard is completely fenced in and at one time was well landscaped. Notice I said at one time.... You can see where it was but.... Whomever has lived here in the past few years let it go. We have NO grass! The leaves were left to rot and with all the trees we have, that's a lot of leaves! Joshua has been paid to rake and bag them but every time he gets them raked up more fall. LOL It's driving him crazy. I guess at this point he might as well wait a month and then finish it up. Hope that will get us some grass come spring! 

COFFEE - BLECK!!! Yes, I said it. BLECK!!!!!! I hate coffee!! The Hubby, Jacob and Deanna all love it, so we are always buying new flavors. I wish I liked coffee! It's so much better for you than energy drinks (to which I have recently become addicted).

CABLE CAR - I have never been on one. Have you?? I would love to, though. I also want to go on a train ride. I want to travel more! I have never been west of the Mississippi River, north of Michigan or south of Georgia. I have never been out of the country. Maybe when the kids are all grown.....

RECYCLING - One thing that I absolutely love about my city is how easy they make it to recycle. You just sign up on-line and they will bring you the containers. Then every 2 weeks they pick them up! Easy peasy! I love it. BUT we need more containers... LOL We have 2 but they just don't hold all of our recyclables. We end up putting out numerous paperbags and boxes with our 2 large containers! You can purchase a large trashcan sized container but ummm... nope... They are expensive! So, even thought it looks tacky as all get out, we will continue to use the bags and boxes. 

Now! On to all the other posts! 
I wonder where my words ended up????

                     HAVE FUN READING!!!!!


  1. Stacy, (hope you're feeling better!)
    Love how you used your words individually.
    You're right. Flat paint shows everything!
    We were waiting to rake up the last of the leaves, but now the yard is full of snow :(
    My only complaint about our recycling is that our containers are half the size of the garbage cans. I wish they would come every week :)

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!
      Slowly getting better.
      Whomever invented flat paint should be shot! LOL

  2. I totally get the walls. I have the same issue. I've been here for like 5 years. The walls are painted with the most matte paint ever, like it's powder. My daughter was obsessed with drawing on the walls, with everything, like pencil, pen, crayon, marker, magic marker, deodorant, preparation h, toothpaste, mascara, lipstick... The walls in the rooms people see, like the living room and kitchen... they are wiped to the dry wall. The other walls are covered in muck and drawings it looks like a cave or an Egyptian wall. I won't wipe them down in fear my kids would just draw on them again (learned that one the hard way). I want to repaint with a glossy, but I dare not just because my landlord forbids us to paint our own walls.

    1. I am seriously thinking about painting over mine anyway. LOL Deposit be damned! I can't take it anymore!

  3. I love your free association posts, they're so much fun.
    Too bad you don't have grass. I no longer rake and in the spirit of "two birds with one stone" I mulch them with the lawnmower while mowing the lawn!
    We have recycle service too, but they pick up weekly. No way could we go 2 weeks.

    1. THANK YOU!!!!
      If we every get grass I will gladly have him mulch away the leaves! LOL
      Wish our recycling would come sooner. We always have such a mess waiting! LOL

  4. What a great way to learn more about you!
    I hope one day you get to travel and ride a cable car! We were on a San Francisco one, but Colin was too small so we may have to go back some day ;-) Meet you there?

  5. I got your words Stacy. They triggered a heart warming story -- thank you. That was a great idea using your words as snippets.

  6. So sorry on the words...I drew a blank and had to submit them before it was too late, lol! I love what you did with them!! I've seen cable cars, but don't recall riding one. Of course we were in CA when I was only 7 or 8 years old. That whole trip is fuzzy.

    1. Your words were great, Eileen! It's me that's defective! ;)

  7. Stacy I agree about the coffee! I do enjoy the smell of it though....but not a fan of it!

    Love the word association such a fun way to tackle the challenging words :-)

    1. Thank you!! I'm always afraid that it will seem like a cop out but sometimes that's all my mind will want to work with. LOL

  8. I'm so happy to find I'm not the only one who dislikes coffee. I used to drink it all the time, but not once since I graduated high school. Weird, huh?

    I hope you're feeling better and the meds aren't kicking your butt!

    1. I used to like it when I was a kid and my grandma would give it to me with tons of milk. I even had my own play coffee maker. Not sure what happened, but BLECK!!! LOL
      Getting better day by day!!!! Hope you are doing well!!!!!! HUGS!

  9. About the walls... yes. Our house is still being redone, so it's not even fully painted. Maybe one day.
    You don't like coffee. I cannot even comprehend this. At least that means more for me.
    Great use of your words!


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)