
March 20, 2015

Fly on the Wall - March 2015

Welcome to a Fly on the Wall group post. Today 15 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house.

Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:

 Baking In A Tornado

 Spatulas on Parade

 Follow me home

 Menopausal Mother

 Stacy Sews and Schools - ME

 Battered Hope

 Just A Little Nutty

 The Momisodes

 Someone Else’s Genius

 The Sadder But Wiser Girl

 Dinosaur Superhero Mommy

 Disneyland in Kentucky

 Juicebox Confession

 Searching for Sanity 

 Go Mama O 

Well...... You see.... I sorta... Well... I forgot to write down the funny stuff again. I know, I know... I suck at this! SIGH.... 
Anyway, I thought I would share pictures of some of the stuff that we've done this month. Now that's it trying to get a little warmer we will be out and about and doing a lot more fun things! :D

We had 2 good snows this month. The kids LOVED it!!! 
Unfortunately, I couldn't seem to keep up with their gloves so I made them some out of fleece. From what the kids said, they were much warmer and stayed much drier than regular mittens or gloves. :D

In spite of the bad weather, we managed to make it to one of the Lowe's Build N Grow workshops. 
WOW! Colin had major hoodie hair! 

They had their last art class. Here they were studying Dali. 
Next up is architecture! They will be learning how to read plans and draw their own plans!! :D

This is from our other homeschool group (we are in 2). We were planting seeds for spring! Cailey and Colin were adding acorn "hats" and rocks to their pots. 

This is what our grass looks like now!! LOL It went crazy! :D

We got the cats a new cat house. I think they like it. LOL
The oldest 2 boys decided to get pet rats. I think the cats like them, too. ;)

This is from one of our geography classes. They were learning about Bermuda so the teacher had them pretend to be mommy turtles laying their eggs in sand. The kids had to put the cotton balls (eggs) in the bucket without using their hands. They had SO MUCH fun with that activity!!!

In our other group moms take turns leading Fun Shops. I volunteered to lead our St Patrick's Day FUn Shop.
We made leprechaun traps! In Ireland (a long time ago) people would put a box with a coin in it in their yards in hopes of catching a leprechaun. 
We also did pepper prints. If you cut off the top of a pepper, the bottom makes a wonder clover print!!
I also made bean bags out of the shamrock print burlap but I forgot to take a picture of them. :/

After the Fun Shop the kids couldn't help but play in the mud and creek! 

Last weekend was very sunny and warm so we went to the park with friends. 

Wednesday we had another meeting with one of our homeschool groups. We had a mini carnival! There were a bunch of games set up, face painting, crafts and more! We made paper flowers for the first time!! 

We have a ton of fun stuff coming up, including our first trip to the symphony!! I can't wait!!!! 

Eileen from Eileen's Perpetually Busy will be in the area and we will be meeting up like we always do when she's in town. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! 

OH! And birthdays galore!! Cailey's is the 23rd, mine is the 25th and Colin's is the 31st!!! YAY!!!! 


  1. Happy Birthday to you all!!!

  2. You always do the COOLEST projects with your kids!! I love the photos, too!

  3. So funny how this post starts with Winter outdoor fun and ends with Spring outdoor fun. I can't tell you how much fun I have looking for all the clothing the kids are wearing that I recognize from our group posts.

    1. Yeah, I was thinking about that! That's March! LOL

      I really should link to the projects when they wear something! LOL ;)

  4. Looks like you guys had a big month. St Patrick's Day has never been as big down here in Australia as it is in the states, but this year my nephew's teacher is from Canada (I know that's not the states, I just didn't realise they loved St Pat's as much as you guys did) and they made leprechaun traps too. I hadn't even realised this was a thing until a few days ago...

    1. I didn't realize it either until I started seeing them all over the place. I wish I had seen all the cool ones before I set ours up! LOL I had just been reading a book to the kids about how people in Ireland used to put a small box with a coin in it in their yards to try to catch a leprechaun. LOL

  5. so many cool projects and much fun. Happy Birthday to you all.

  6. Stacy, I love the experiences you give your children. They are lucky to be in groups where they have such rich hands-on activities. You are my hero. The catch-a-leprechaun box is a great idea!

  7. Awww, shucks! Thank you so much!!!! <3 <3 <3

  8. Looks like so much fun! Can I come be in your class?


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)