
June 9, 2015

Fabric Extravaganza

This is usually where I have a tutorial of some kind for you. Well, not today. I have been SUPER busy and have been trying to get my next Blog with Friends project done. Sooooo, today I am going to show you my last few fabric purchases. Because I know you want to see them, right??? You're all fabricholics, too, right??? 

This is how bad it is, I went into Joann's the other day just to get some elastic, I SWEAR!!! And I walked out with the elastic + 8 yards of fabric. I couldn't help myself!! And Cailey found 2 things that she just HAD to have. ;) 

2 different TARDIS prints!! Who could pass those up???

Starry Night. One of my favorite paintings. 

Cailey saw this Disney Princess toile and LOVED it!!!!

This is the other one that she picked. 

Guess you can figure out who this is for!!! 

For some reason this one reminds me of melting popcicles. It's just a tad brighter in person. 

LOVE this bright yellow!!! Might have to make myself something out of this!

I bought 3 yards of this knit. LOL Cailey and Colin both want something made out of it!!!

Last but not least, this gorgeous water color Disney Princess print. I am actually working it with right now. Well, as I am writing this. By the time this posts I had BETTER be done with it!!! LOL 

Have you bought any fabulous fabric lately?????



  1. You know I don't sew but I love seeing what fabrics you pick out. Each one seems to know what it wants to be, or is it just me? I picture Starry Night and Aliens as pajamas. I picture a skirt for Cailey's second choice fabric. Oh, how I wish I could sew. Fabric is so inspiring.

    1. They usually tell me what they want to be but sometimes they lie..... LOL
      The aliens will definitely be pajamas! ;)


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