
June 26, 2012

Patterns, Patterns and More Patterns

SHEW!!! I am EXHAUSTED!!! And it was only the first night of VBS! LOL To quote d, "It was like trying to herd cats with ADHD." LOL I think that's an apt comparison.  We had nine 4 and 5 yr olds! NINE! But I had 3 helpers. I don't even want to think about how it would have gone without them! LOL But it was FUN!!!! Tonight ought to be, too!

Music was our first stop after the opening BUT the music system wasn't working properly. That led to the other ladies and me trying to think of every church song we ever sang as kids.  We sang "Jesus Loves Me" several times. ;)

OH! D got a compliment on the bag I made for her! YAY!! :) She was thrilled!

A sweet friend from church gave me some patterns last night! YAY!!! Check them out!

Butterick 6843 VINTAGE Unisex Nightshirt Misses size S Mens size S M L

1981 Simplicity Jiffy Pattern 5098 Pullover Dress 2 Lengths Sizes 14-16

Butterick See & Sew Pattern 5164 Misses Jacket and Dress 6 8 10

Butterick 5658

Vintage 70รข��s Simplicity 6048 Jiffy Kimono Sleeve Robe Pattern Uncut Size 8-10

YAY!!! I <3 retro patterns!! :)

I am HOPING to start cutting the fabric for the Retro Butterick '47  B5209 tonight, BUT that will all depend on how much energy I have left over..... LOL

The cats are very put out with me. There's been no sewing for them to sleep on or mess with! LOL

C1 isn't wearing something made by me today. Is it crazy that I feel sad when she wears something store bought?? LOL She has tons of store bought clothes in her closet but I just LOVE it when she wears something that I made for her.  Oh, well.... Maybe tomorrow. ;)


  1. Stacy, those are cool patterns! My favorites are dresses Simplicity 5098 and See & Sew 5164. I hope you try these patterns and cannot wait for what you create with them. Retro patterns just seem to have such distinctive and fun styles.

  2. Thank you very much, Louella!
    I LOVE them, too!!! I am definitely going to give them a try. I am also thinking about trying the 6048 and seeing if I can turn it into a dress as well! I think it would be so cute! ;)

  3. Hey I just gave you a blog award. Check it out here....

  4. Oh how lucky! :D they look awesome! My grandma is a professional seamstress but unfortunately she chucked all her old patterns out when they moved house as she hadnt sewn anything from scratch for over ten years! So sad, would love to fill a bookshelf with retro patterns :D Look forward to seeing your new creations!

  5. Thanks!!
    Oh, that's sad!!! I think I would have cried! ;)
    I have got to get my hand on some more vintage patterns!! <3 <3 <3 them!!!

  6. I know! I am going vintage pattern hunting on the weekend. Maybe have some gems to show off next week. :P


    Going to check it out NOW!!! :)


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)