
June 14, 2012

Pillowcase Boy's Shorts and a Pillowcase Dress

I have just made c2 some cute shorts! I am so excited!! So far it's been PJs, PJs and more PJs... Well, there was ONE other pair of shorts... But you see what I mean! LOL

Here they are!

There's not really pink on them.... Something weird happened over at PicMonkey... LOL

And here is c1's pillowcase dress! My gosh those things are quick and easy! A 50 cents pillowcase and 30 mins and she has a new dress! Can't beat that! LOL

I was trying different things out at PicMonkey.... Not sure I like the way look when they are that big... LOL They looked much better when they were smaller.  I'll take some better pics in the natural light tomorrow.

If you are new to sewing go the Goodwill and grab some pillowcases! Pillowcase shorts and dresses are VERY simple and easy to make. The shorts are made just like the pants in my pajama tutorial.  Just be careful when you are dealing with vintage linens. They can be very delicate.


  1. I love the dress!!! C1's going to be the best dressed kid in town.

  2. Those are great! The dress is lovely, and looks like it would be cool when we get really bogged down with the heat.

  3. I can't wait to try one of these dresses! :)

  4. Thanks!!
    That's what I was thinking. Great for the summer heat!

  5. They are SO quick and easy!! It took me maybe all of 30 mins. and that would probably be stretching it. LOL

  6. Awesome!I would love to try something like this.

  7. Thank you!!! They were super fast, easy and CHEAP! LOL

  8. I love the pillowcase dress! I've seen them on Etsy and they look like fun to make. I need to make one for myself. :)

  9. Thanks!!!
    I have heard of adult pillowcase dresses but I think it would be more like a several pillowcases dress for me.... LOL ;)

  10. Cute shorts and pillowcase dress..
    I love making the pillowcase dresses [I make them from fabric.].. Have made
    my grandaughters ,tons of them.. As you said, so easy..

  11. Thank you!! Yep! You can beat them for fast, cute clothes!!

  12. Wow, I love the way you can do that. You people who sew are amazing. I found you at I Gotta Create, Wildly Original.

  13. Thank you SOOOO much!!!!!
    You never know... maybe YOU can sew! I didn't know I could until a couple of months ago! ;)

  14. Those are so CUTE! Some child is going to look darling in those ;)

  15. Thank you SO much!!! I finally got my youngest son (c2) to put them on and I LOVE them on him!! I'm going to have to make him some more! ;)

  16. What a great idea. Love the shorts! Thanks for linking up to the All Star Block Party! And congrats on the feature!

  17. Thank you!!! :)
    I wanted to make c2 something, too and that seemed almost as fast as a pillowcase dress! LOL

  18. Those pillow case dresses are so darn cute. I would never have thought to make shorts from pillowcases. I used to make my boys tons of shorts when they were small.

  19. Thank you!!!
    I was trying to come up with something for him and when I saw that particular pillowcase I knew! LOL All I had to do was get rid of the ruffle and go from there! ;)

  20. The dress is soooo cute!! What a fun idea. We appreciate you linking up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". Hope you'll come back soon! -The Sisters

  21. They look great! Love the idea of the shorts. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!


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