
June 14, 2012

TA DA!!!!! McCall's M4769 Is DONE!!!


And here I am wearing the dress. Excuse the lack of face... I was having a bad face day. ;)Image

Here's a close up of the buttons (which I <3).


SHEW!! It feels SOOOOOOOOOOOO good to have that done! :) As you can tell I made some adjustments from the original pattern.... No collar or lapel and I added the bias tape. It made the dress a tad bit too roomy in the neck but I think I can fix that.

I think the adjustments make it look even MORE vintage than the original. It's definitely giving me a 50's feel

Here's a pic of the original pattern.


I know I said I was going to make this

Easy (HA! Not THAT easy) McCall's M6197


out of this


But I feel the need to go with simple for a bit. All the sick kids and sick Hubby.... Now I am starting to get a sore throat! YILES!!! So I will be keeping it simple for the next few days. And I REALLLLY need to get my VBS lessons down. I volunteered to teach the 4/5's this year... I'm a little afraid.... The enthusiasm I received when I said I would take that age group fell only slightly short of a standing ovation... Yeah.. A little afraid... I think they know something I don't... LOL

So....I will be making this instead.


I'll be making the blue dress only in sparkly pink knit!! :) LOVE PINK!! It's Easy (YAY!!!) McCall's M6074.

And for the kiddos I will go with pillowcase dresses for c1 and a pair of pillowcase shorts for c2 using these....




I LOVE the details of that one. Here's a close up! ;)


And for c2's shorts...


What have YOU been up to??? Share in the comments section so I can check it out!!!


  1. Very nice, the dress turned out lovely and looks very good on you. Did you extend the front facing out to make the dress larger? Your center button panel looks like it is over to the left a bit. It also looks like the facing would be part of the revers (lapel) and the collar would just attach to the neckline above the revers to make a notched collar.

    Anyway, lovely dress and I love how you put the seam binding down the front, it really does give it a more 1940s 50s look. Very similar to a dress I made from a Butterick 1950s pattern, take a look here It is the green purple tropical print dress with the purple trim. The pattern shows a black dress, and although not shown a red dress with short sleeves. I have yet to finish the button holes, I have borrowed my daughters machine because it does automatic buttonholes, but still the dress has been waiting for those buttonholes for over a year.

  2. Thank you!
    And yes, that's what I did. LOL I have had issues cutting patterns too large even though I follow the guidelines. This one I cut a little small! :/ SO I fixed that by adding the facing into it like that. LOL And you're right. It is over a tad... I'm thinking I can fix that without toooo much trouble.
    My machine is SUPPOSED to do buttonholes but I have yet to get it to go smoothly. SIGH... It always acts up.
    I am going to check your dress out!! Thanks!!

  3. I love it, it looks comfortable (I'm all about comfort, lol!).

  4. LOL! You and me, both!!
    And it is very comfy! I could wear it around the house. LOL

  5. So cute! The fabric was a perfect choice for that dress.

  6. THANK YOU!!! As soon as I saw it I knew what that I wanted it for that one. And I couldn't beat the price! LOL


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)