
August 16, 2012

Finished Book Cover

I thought Keri might want to see a picture of the large book cover that I finished for her today. :) Next I will start on the small book cover and then the tablet cover!

I hope you like it, Keri!

Now, for everyone else, don't forget that I have a tutorial on here if you would like to try making your own! :)

Book Cover Tutorial

And if anyone is interested in making bags to donate for foster care here is the tutorial - The D Bag.

I found out a few minutes ago that I will be featured again!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!! The Creative Jewish Mom will be featuring me on her Sunday Craft Schooling Linky Party!!!! YAY!!! :) THANK YOU!!!!!

Off to do more sewing! ;)


  1. Very pretty Stacy.. Know Keri will love it. Happy sewing.

  2. Thank you so much, Judy!!!! :)

    OH!! I forgot to take pics of the others before I mailed them out. :/

  3. Way to go on the feature! You are just taking off there girl. I hope you are charging people for those book covers. They are great and quite handy!

  4. THANK YOU!!!!!! :)
    I haven't made any to sell YET! ;) But I definitely plan on it. So far they have been presents and prizes. LOL

  5. Start charging woman and then you can buy more fabric! :D See....I'm a thinker. ;)

  6. ROFL!! How right you are!!!! :) The Hubby would be SOOOOO happy. LOL ;)

  7. OH yeah, there is them too you must please. But thats like an afterthought, afterthought. ;) But always make sure they know they were the first thing you thought of. Its almost 20 years since my seperation, but I still remember the important things. hehehe


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)