
May 28, 2013

My NEW Sewing Room

My Sewing Room 005

Here are a few pictures of my new sewing room. It isn't complete just yet. I have 5 boxes, 3 of which will go into my desk (whenever I get a new one). One box has some of my knick knacks in it and the last box is FULL of fabric scraps. I think I might be a scrap hoarder...... Seriously.....

My Sewing Room 008

These pictures are not very good. :/ I think I might need to play with the settings on my phone and see what's up. I am thinking of switching back to a Windows phone. It seem to take MUCH better pictures than this iPhone! GRRR!!!!

Those crates will be emptied tomorrow. We are finally getting back on track with school after having the last 2 wks off to unpack!

My Sewing Room 010

This is my HP mantel. All it needs is a Weasley clock! ;) I am thinking about trying to make one myself.

I am missing a couple of my British editions. They had BETTER be in one of the few remaining boxes!!!

My Sewing Room 012

Now this is still just a mess.... I need to straighten the fabric up some.

THAT is my box o'scraps..... It's ginormous. I really need to get to some scrap busters!! LOL

My Sewing Room 014

This is where my desk will eventually go. Then I can move the table to the middle of the room. I dislike having to iron, cut and sew all on the same table!! Not to mention having my button box, trims box and other misc. sewing supplies on the table as well! NO ROOM to MOVE!! LOL

Right now the table looks out onto the front porch and out into the road. Not the best view but it's nice. ;)

Tomorrow I hope to share my plans for

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(click the pic)


  1. Stacy, Looks like a great room with so much space! Can't wait to see what you create in it!

  2. Glad for your new space! Happy creating!

  3. What a lovely room... I can tell, you have really been doing a lot of work.. Such a pretty room to do your work in.. Love the wall color too.
    When will your kids get out of school for the summer? Our kids got out last week..

  4. Thank you, Judy!!! :D
    We have at least another month. All this moving has really gotten us behind this year! :/

  5. I love your new space, Stacy. You've got big windows, that beautiful hardwood floor and the amazing fireplace. Perfect place for your creativity.

  6. Thanks, Karen!!! :D

    I can't wait to get it set up exactly the way I want it! LOL

  7. Ooh, what a great space! Congratulations!

    I'm a partial yarn ball hoarder, so I feel your pain on the scrap fabric. I think you have a better chance of using up your scraps than I do. :)

  8. Thanks!!!

    LOL!! I don't know. That box is massive!!! ;)

  9. The space is pretty. I have a few great patterns for scrap busting. ;)

  10. Thank you, Debbie!!!!
    I was just looking at your patterns and tutorials today. LOL I am adding you to a list that will be posted on the 30th. ;)


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)