
May 27, 2013

Sewing to Make a Difference

(picture credit - Mermaid's Purse)

I pretty much have my sewing room in order now! WOOOO HOOOO!!! I'll be posting pictures tomorrow. ;) Remember how I said that my first few projects would be for me??? Well, that has changed. My first projects will be sewing to help out. Sewing to help someone in need.

All across Facebook last week there were posts about how to help the people in Oklahoma. I am going to share one of  those links with you.  It is all about sewing to help the victims of that horrible tornado.

Pattern Revolution 

They are asking you to sew clothing, bags or stuffed toys. There are even links to free patterns to use for those sewing projects.

I am also going to share some other ways of helping other people in need by sewing or crafting.

This is one of my ABSOLUTE favorite blogs in the whole wide world is

Hopeful Threads 

Every month Kristy posts a new way to sew and give back. The themes and recipients are many and widely varied. I <3 her.


Craft Hope - Project 22

For Project 22, Craft Hope is making flip-flops to send to families that live in La Chureca, the dumps of Nicaragua. Please, go and read this post. It's heartbreaking to know that these families have to live this way.

I even found the box of dresses to give to Pam for Africa!! I should have mailed them forever ago but they got packed!!!! I am soooo sorry, Pam!! I will be mailing them out to you tomorrow!!!!!

There are always ways that we can change our world. They may seem small but they can mean so much to the people they touch.

Look around your community. Is there a need you can  help fill? Can you take bags of toiletries to the homeless? Can you give one afternoon (or more) a week to deliver for Meals on Wheels? Can you sew (or buy) and fill a few bags for children in foster care? Can you sew a stuffed toy for foster care? Can you buy a bag of pet food for your local animal shelter? Offer to foster some animals there? Can you go and give blood? Sign up to donate blood marrow?

There are many small ways to give back. You don't have to be rich. You don't have to have tons of time. Do whatever small thing YOU can do. If we all do that we can make a HUGE difference in our world. I truly believe that with all my heart.


  1. I'm so excited! They will get me up to my goal!!! I had my box almost ready to ship but was hoping you would find yours in time!
    And, btw, I'm really glad you are settling in now!

  2. THANKS, Pam!!!!
    I have 10 dresses made by my friend and 4 dresses and a skirt made by me. Maybe 5 dresses?? I can't remember now... LOL

  3. Thank you, Sweetie. I know that if you reccommend it, it is truly being done. Glad you are settling in.


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