
April 12, 2014

Our Week in Review : Worms and Pirates

We've had a busy week but it was so much fun!!!  We started worms and pirates! :)

Here are some of the activities we did. 

We bought some nightcrawlers at the local market and studied them with our magnifying glasses. 

Then we went outside and dug up some earthworms. 

The next day we compared the earthworms and nightcrawlers.
We then separated the worms. The earthworms stayed in the plastic container. The nightcrawlers were divided into 3 container, a jar, a plastic bottle and their original container. 

Here they are viewing the worm tunnels. 

They drew a diagram of worm anatomy after we read Yucky Worms.

One of the books we read was Diary of a Worm. I had the kids draw a picture from the story.

Our read aloud story for worms is The Worm Whisperer.

The Hubby brought wooden boxes home from work the other day and I thought they would be perfect for treasure chests! A great way to start our pirate unit!

Colin painted his brown with purple designs, adding a "gold key lock" on the front.

Cailey took artistic license and made hers very colorful.  

We read Captain Abdul's Pirate School and drew treasure maps! We brushed some tea on them to age them.

Not a bad week! Ok, so it was actually 3 days... We skipped Monday and I am writing this on Thursday. Oh! But we can count our Mud Pies day, right?? We can say they were researching worms. 


  1. I love seeing all of the projects your kids do. How cool that hubs brought home those boxes. Perfect for pirates' chests.

  2. Thank you!!!!

    He brought home 2 more that I want to use for my sewing stuff but they are sealed shut! LOL He is supposed to pry them open for me...... Some day.... I hope....


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